Sunday, February 23, 2020

Diverse workforce management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Diverse workforce management - Essay Example Diverse workforce is necessary for the successful management of cross cultural business. For example, it is impossible for American company Apple to manage their business successfully in China with the help of American employees alone. It should be noted that the locals have better knowledge about the local market and hence their services are essential for Google like big international companies to manage their business successfully at different parts of the world. Moreover, immigration has been increased a lot in the recent past because of globalization. Exchange of workforce between countries is a common thing nowadays because of globalization. In America, Middle East and European countries, manpower is extremely scarce and hence it is extremely expensive there. On the other hand, in India and China like countries manpower resources are abundant and hence it is cheap there. Globalization helps expensive labour oriented countries to utilize cheap labour force available in India and China like countries. In short, management of diverse workforce is essential in most of the international companies at present. This paper analyses management of diverse workforce by taking American company Apple Inc. as an example. ... Torrington (2011) pointed out that â€Å"Apple is currently facing lot of difficulties in its recruitments and selection processes. â€Å"The key difficulty in recruitment process is the lack of specialist skills in the labour market† (Torrington et al., 2011, p.43). America is a country which is labelled as an expensive labour oriented country. In other words labour costs in America are extremely high compared to the labour costs in other parts of the world. So, in a heavily competitive business world, it is difficult for Apple to manage their business functions with the help of locals alone. It is necessary for Apple to exploit the services of overseas workforce not only for their American operations but also for their international operations. Kirton & Greene (2005) mentioned that â€Å"Diversity exists among men and women of the same ethnic group. It also exists among women community as well as men community of the same ethnic group (Kirton & Greene, 2005, p.14). In othe r words, diverse workforce is not at all a term related to people from different cultures or communities. Diversity can exist even among domestic workforce since no two individuals are alike. So, managing diversity means managing individuals of different kind. â€Å"It can be the integration of different parts of an organization; it can be the issue of national culture within a multinational organization and it can be the development of equal opportunities† (Kandola and Fullerton, 1998, p.6). Even though Apple is keen in maintaining a diverse workforce, several overseas employees working in Apple has many complaints about the attitude of the company towards them. Many of the top managers in Apple Company behave like

Friday, February 7, 2020

Website Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Website Review - Essay Example through incorporating effective web design measures that form the main aim of the study to analyze the criteria foe effective web design and comparison of two corporate websites. There are certain characteristics that a business must have to be considered effective in terms of design to be a driving force in meeting advertising and information delivery needs of the business. These characteristics include: Professional brand driven design: a website has to have a professional look and convey the brand image ensuring clients have a very easy time understanding the business and the access to information should be easy and quick. Professional design  allows the client to have access to required information in an effective and efficient manner in the website. Usability: designing a website to ensure the presence of links that are easy to recognize, moderate visuals, and a clear structure allowing the client easy navigation on the website in the other effective web design criteria. Websites are more effective when users can easily find their way through the information and links provided than when the websites are difficult to use. Use of effective writing: the writing style on a website has to be adjusted to meet user’s browsing habits and preferences. This can be achieved through using concise and short phrases, plain and objective language to allow the users make their en decision on the purchase, and merging textual and visual elements on the website. Effective writing makes use of bullets, content categories, and multiple subheadings in a website. Simplicity: providing a simple rather than a complex website is effective in meeting the needs of the clients. Using a simple design with icons providing additional information, headers, footers, and content in a simple manner, and lack of advertising allows for a good web experience for the clients. Content: the other criteria for an effective website are provision of useful and valuable information to the users.