Thursday, August 27, 2020

Communication system Essay

The Effects of Oil consumption sooner rather than later expositions Oil is a limited asset that initially created from ancient green growth and different microorganisms. Colin J. Campbell from Depletion and Denial states: The productive development of oil has happened just a couple of times in the Earths long geographical history. For instance, practically all the oil from the Gulf Coast of the U.S. to Peru, including the immense debased stores of Venezuela, which hold much more than the Middle East, was the consequence of a concise time of inordinate a dangerous atmospheric devation 90,000,000 years prior. Green growth prospered in those old warm, dead, stale, and anoxic oceans. Another such age, 140,000,000 years prior, was liable for the oil in the North Sea and a significant part of the Middle East. (2) Be that as it may, numerous individuals think minimal about the dubious issue of oil and oil exhaustion other than what they have been told by un-educated specialists. It has become so questionable in light of the trouble in foreseeing the current oil gracefully. A great many people are excessively idealistic in their appraisals of the flexibly in view of the critical ramifications of a deficiency. Basically, vitality is the key that opens every other asset. Starting today, oil represents 40 percent of all vitality use on the planet. This records for 26 billion barrels every year. The issue is heightened by huge populace increments and development in vitality requests. Jacob Fisker states that creating nations make up 80 percent of the populace, yet they just utilize 20 percent of the universes assets. The created world is the staying 20 percent of the populace, however it utilizes 80 percent of the universes resources.(1) Furthermore, one ideal case of oil over-utilization is in the U.S. Its whole economy is to a great extent reliant on oil for vitality and numerous crucial items. Numerous specialists in the oil business, for example, Colin J. Campbell, an oil geologist, foresee that request will surpass flexibly by around 2010. From that point, it will pr... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Language Of Battle Essays - English Grammar, Axiology, Ethics

Language of Battle The Language Battle In todays society there are two philosophical perspectives that have become foes and are continually engaging it out. These two perspectives are from the prescriptivists and the descriptivists. The prescriptivists accept that there is a sure way that language ought to be composed, and that language adheres to a specific arrangement of rules accepted to be esteemed. The descriptivists accept that language is depicted with the utilization of certain utilization of words and linguistic structure. Since, todays society has had numerous mechanical advances many will in general lean more towards the descriptivists perspective. Numerous individuals accept that if an individual has a higher instructive level that they would in all likelihood have a higher notoriety in the manner that they talked or introduced themselves. In a study that was as of late taken on lingo 100% of the individuals said that the sentence The land was given to Susan and me. Is right. The prescriptivists perspective won in this type of lingo. One sentence that made the vast majority believe was This is the play where he preformed in. The prescriptivists perspective was placed into play in this circumstance. Just 40% of the individuals got on the way that this sentence finished with a relational word and 60% said that there was not much and that is the means by which they would state it. The other discourse structure that was most differing was the plural of you. The prescriptivists state that the right answer is all of you. Just 30% of the individuals got this inquiry right. The most widely recognized was the appropriate response you a ll by 40% of the individuals. 20% of the individuals said you folks and 10% said your. Again with instructive level the descriptivists route appears to win. Since the circumstances are different such a great amount with all the mechanical advances language has changed in time as well. As individuals began to age the appropriate responses began to be totally different. On the inquiry that posed to what is the name of the article that a child is acquired home from the clinic on the off chance that it had haggles be gone for a stroll. I found that the age bunches from 15-20, 21-30, and 31-40 100% considered it a carriage. In the 41-50 age bunch half said surrey and half considered it a pram. The more seasoned individuals in the 60+ gathering 100% considered it a carriage. The term carriage is one that is much more established and not utilized regularly. When asked, what utensil is utilized to sear food in? The more seasoned 60+ age bunch 100% said it was known as a skillet, yet the other age bunches referr

Friday, August 21, 2020

Essay Topics in Applications - Key Ideas For Writing Essays For College Applications

Essay Topics in Applications - Key Ideas For Writing Essays For College ApplicationsMost common essay topics in applications vary depending on the type of application that you are applying for. There are a number of common themes, but you should be certain to keep them in mind to get them right.The most common theme is character development. Essays on this topic will be about how the applicant experiences the application. The essay should be organized and flow nicely from one paragraph to the next. It should be a linear piece of writing, with no logical leaps of thought in the middle of an essay.A second common theme is analytical problem solving. Essays on this theme often deal with a real problem that the applicant has faced during their college career. For example, an essay on going to an expensive seminar that costs more than a computer repair store may be very difficult to write, but it will get the job done.Personal essay topics are commonly covered under the second most common theme. These may be considered very personal essays, but the topic is usually very professional, no matter what type of application it is addressing. The topic may also be a strong argument about why the applicant has important things to contribute to their school and to their career.Research or factual essays are the third most common topics that students use for their college applications. The essay on a person's work experience will attempt to show what the applicant has accomplished so far, and will highlight any area that they need improvement in. A research essay on the other hand, will dig deep into the world of statistics and research for a proper use of the topic.Academic essay topics are commonly covered under the second most common topic. This will be a cover letter of sorts, which will address any academic or research questions the applicant may have. It will also go over any honors or awards that have been earned in the past or should be earned in the future.Essays on a unique topic can also be used in applications. They should still be structured in a logical manner, but it should show the applicant as much about the school and the area as possible. The college or university will take pride in the accomplishments of the applicant and will look to them for guidance and study habits.It should be fairly easy to see which of the common themes that students use are likely to be the most effective. It is always a good idea to discuss the theme of the essay in the beginning of the composition. In addition, the first three topics are some of the most popular ones, so you should be able to find a group of students that have very similar interests and that will work well together.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Characteristics Of A Police Officer Essay - 1534 Words

Methodology Hypothesis: The purpose of the proposed research is to determine what characteristics exists in a Police Officer that may lead to both the most and least amount of force used in police-citizen interactions where force may be required. In order to come to a logical conclusion, the question asked must be explored from a couple different angles. First, do Police Officer demographics have a general impact on the amount of force used while on duty i.e. characteristics like race and gender? Second, does the exposure or completion of a college degree have an impact on the amount of force used while on duty? As this topic remains relevant to modern day society and exists continuously in various news outlets and other media sources, society has formed its own narrative concerning a relationship between Police Officer characteristics and the use of force. For the purpose of this research, I have developed four hypothesis and three null hypothesis. The hypotheses for the connection between Police Officer characteristics and the use of force are as follows: 1. Male Police Officers are more likely to use force than Female Officers. 2. College Educated Police Officers are less likely to resort to the use of force than non-educated Police officers. 3. Male Minority Officers are more likely to use deadly force against citizens of any race than Male White Officers. 4. College Educated Police Officers are less like to be involved in deadly force situations than Non-EducatedShow MoreRelatedPolice Department, Beliefs, Attitudes, And Behaviors1678 Words   |  7 PagesIn every police department, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors are strongly influenced by its culture. This culture is primarily developed through a process of socialization, or beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors learned in interactions with peers and on the job experiences. Socialization has led to both an executive and police officer culture, each with its own perspective of the dilemma of means and ends. Police executives must, by necessity, be as concerned with the means of getting the jobRead MoreEssay on police officers are born not made634 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿Police officers are born, not made.   Discuss   There are several different types of police officers, such as the new PCSOs (Police Community Support Officers) were introduced by English and Welsh Police Forces in 2002.   PCSOs are civilians who are allowed to exercise limited police powers.   Their introduction was quite controversial and met with opposition by the Police Federation, the organisation which represents police officers. As well as the more traditional Police roles. The policing of theRead MoreFactors That Affect Police Decision Making Essay1267 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: FACTORS THAT AFFECT POLICE DECISION MAKING 1 Factors That Affect Police Decision Making Bridgette Clark Donald Drewry Policing 231 Park University 4 December 2016 FACTORS THAT AFFECT POLICE DECISION MAKING 2 Abstract Police discretion consists of a two part decision, whether to intervene and how best to intervene. FACTORS THAT AFFECT POLICE DECISION MAKING 3 Law enforcement is filled with decision makingRead MoreFactors That Affect Police Decision Making Essay1100 Words   |  5 PagesTHAT AFFECT POLICE DECISION MAKING 3 Law enforcement is filled with decision making. Law enforcement leaders make critical operational decisions everyday. Decisions are made at the discretion of officers and no matter what the decision is, officers are questioned if it was the right one. Whether to intervene, and if the decision to intervene is made, and how best to intervene are parts of decision making made by a police officer. Deciding whether and how to intervene can take an officer in many differentRead MoreCommunity Policing Essay1034 Words   |  5 Pagescontrol, reduced fear of crime, improved quality of life, improved police services and police legitimacy, through a proactive reliance on community resources that seeks to change crime causing conditions. This assumes a need for greater accountability of police, greater public share in decision-making and greater concern for civil rights and liberties. The key characteristics of community policing are as follows: Police officers are usually called upon to be particularly thoughtful, creative problemRead MoreIntroduction. Police And Other Agencies Within Law Enforcement1469 Words   |  6 PagesINTRODUCTION Police and other agencies within law enforcement receive multiple calls for service daily. They enter a world of the unknown while being required to serve and protect the general public fairly, without bias toward race, religion, gender, or political affiliation. They are confronted with serious crimes that they must deal with at any given moment, on any given day. Law enforcement officers may receive a call-for-service to handle a domestic dispute where weapons are involved, respondRead MoreCommunity Policing And Problem Solving Policing1017 Words   |  5 Pagesthe officers to be much more interactive with the community. This allows the community to be involved, and as well as to the police department so they are able to set up programs for kids. People ask if one officer can really transform a community. I believe that there’s a strong possibility that one officer can have that effect. For that being, an officer must not be quick to assume the worst on a certain person that they think is acting suspiciously for any reason. For example, Officer TommyRead MoreUse Of Force And Discretion Used By Officers1493 Words   |  6 PagesSellers, Ph.D. CRM 362 14. December. 2015 Introduction The use of force and discretion used by officers has a large influence within real-world situations. Police discretion, by definition, is the power to make decisions of policy and practice. Public servants, such as police officers, hold the discretion on how to enforce law, when it needs to be enforced, and the use of force needed to enforce it. Police use of force, defined as acts that threaten or inflict physical harm on suspects (Terrill, 2003)Read MoreConflict Between The Citizens And Police1519 Words   |  7 PagesThere have been conflicts between the citizens and police in the past. Numerous investigations made regarding these conflicts have occurred, with the Kerner Commission being formulated to investigate the cause of this disorder. The commission reported that the conflict was caused by distrust and hostility between the police and minorities. The commission recommended that the government should hire more police from the minority groups and that would change the state of things significantly. The hiringRead MorePolice Officers And Police Enforcement Officers Essay1450 Words   |  6 Pagesenforcement officers are authorized to use different forces based on its situation. Officers face many circumstances during the period of their job when use of force is necessary. For example, making arrests, restraining unruled combatants, and while controlling disruptive situations. Incidents involving the use of excessive force by the police frequently receive media attentions, legislators and sometimes even criminal courts. To serve better for a community or country a small percentage of police interactions

Friday, May 15, 2020

Hay Que, Tener Que and Similar Spanish Phrases

If you have to say theres something you have to do or that has to be done, heres how you can do it in Spanish. Tener Que Perhaps the most common way of saying to have to in Spanish is tener que followed by an infinitive. Tengo que pagar impuestos. (I have to pay taxes.) Mi padre tiene que ir a Barranquilla. (My father has to go to Barranquilla.) Tener que is the phrase for statements of necessity that is usually learned first by students of Spanish because it is very common and doesnt require the knowledge of any verb conjugation beyond the forms of tener. But there are other ways as well to make statements of necessity. Hay Que Another that is even easier to learn because it doesnt require any conjugation is hay que, again followed by an infinitive: Hay que ser muy listo. (It is necessary to be very ready.)  ¿Por quà © hay que usar cà ³digos? (Why is it necessary to use codes?) Necesitar Que and Es Necesario Que As might be expected, some other phrases used in statements of necessity are closely related to the word necessary. One is the impersonal verb necesitar, meaning to be necessary, which can be followed by que and a verb in the subjunctive mood. Necesito que un experto me contacte. (I need an expert to contact me. A word-for-word translation would be: I need that an expert contact me. Many of the other translations below where the subjunctive is used follow a similar pattern.) Necesitas que alguien te escuche. (You need someone to listen to you.) Similarly, it is possible to use the impersonal phrase es necesario que, which also is followed by a verb in the subjunctive. Es necesario que Europa conserve su herencia. (It is necessary for Europe to retain its heritage.) Es necesario que nos envà ­en los datos. (It is necessary for them to send us the data.) Two Es Phrases Less common than the above is the impersonal phrase es preciso, which also means it is necessary. It is usually followed by an infinitive, but it also can be followed by que and a subjunctive verb. Es preciso revisar el diseà ±o y la organizacià ³n del programa. (It is necessary to change the design and organization of the program.) Es preciso que trabajen. (It is necessary for them to work.) The impersonal phrase es importante, meaning it is important, is used in the same way, although it isnt as forceful as es necesario. Es importante saber sobre interoperabilidad. (It is important to know about interoperability.) Es importante que el sitio web està © en espaà ±ol. (It is important that the website be in Spanish.) Urgir Finally, to indicate that something is urgently necessary, it is possible to use the impersonal phrase urge que from the verb urgir, again followed by a verb in the subjunctive. Urge que Xcacel sea declarada como reserva natural protegida. (It is urgent that Xcacel be declared a natural protected reserve.) Me urge que todo el mundo lo lea. (It is urgent to me that everybody read it.) The verb urgir can also stand alone as a verb to mean to be urgently needed. Urge atencià ³n inmediata el caso de los asesinatos de mujeres en Ciudad Juà ¡rez. The case of women murdered in Cuidad Juarez urgently needs attention.) Me urge ayuda sobre los siguientes terminales. (I urgently need help with the following terms.)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Charles Dickens Great Expectations - 2277 Words

Although Charles Dickens’ classic novel Great Expectations was published in 1861, modern-day playwrights, authors, and directors go to great lengths to preserve its timelessness. Many of these writers feel that the best way to keep the novel relevant to society is to alter the original novel to make it culturally relevant or acceptable. The idea of cultural studies in regards to literature and literary criticism began in the 1950s and â€Å"involves viewing and analyzing practically any recorded phenomenon, present or past, as a social text† (Richter 1325). One movement in particular that sought to revive Great Expectations as a social text and therefore retain its social relevance is the movement of Postmodernism. Postmodernism is simply described as a separation from reality and emphasizes the self as coming from within. Although there have been many comic, play, and film adaptations of Great Expectations, there are two directors who take very different cultural viewp oints for their film adaptations. David Lean’s Great Expectations was released in England in 1946. Lean’s modern adaptation catered to a post-World War II audience. Because of this audience, Lean’s adaptation incorporates elements of a fairytale imagery and gothic horror. Another director, Alfonso Cuarà ³n, also modernized Great Expectations to maintain the novel’s cultural relevance. Cuarà ³n’s adaptation was released in America in 1998. This adaptation appeals to a â€Å"Generation X† audience, incorporating themes suchShow MoreRelatedGreat Expectations By Charles Dickens1113 Words   |  5 Pagesadventures that the male characters go on. This seems to be relevant in a lot of movies and books like the story Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. In Great Expectations there are multiple female characters like Estella, Biddy, and Miss Havisham who all play a large part in the main character, Pip’s life. One of the first that we meet the character Estella in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations is when Pip goes to Miss Havisham’s to play with her. The two kids play the game beggar my neighbor when EstellaRead MoreGreat Expectations By Charles Dickens1347 Words   |  6 Pagespoor status of the economy, social mobility does not seem to be occurring at high rates, with the poor getting poorer and rich getting richer. Despite this, social mobility is alive and well, and has been for centuries. In his novel, Great Expectations, Charles Dickens voices the concerns of many that lived in Victorian England during the 19th century by promoting such a desire to live life in a more prosperous social class. One of the most fundamental and reoccurring themes in the novel is that ofRead MoreGreat Expectations By Charles Dickens1426 Words   |  6 Pages Twelve-year-old Charles dickens gets ready for bed after a long day at the blacking house. These Victorian-aged memories will provide him with many ideas for his highly acclaimed novel Great Expectations. Set in 1830 England, Great Expectations is a coming-of-age story about a common innocent boy named Pip and his road to becoming a gentleman through the influence of others. Pip is influenced both positively and negatively by Estella, Herbert, and Magwitch. Estella left a huge impression on PipRead MoreGreat Expectations by Charles Dickens984 Words   |  4 PagesCharles Dickens utilizes his life for inspiration for the protagonist Pip in his novel Great Expectations. They both struggle with their social standing. Dickens loved plays and theatre and therefore incorporated them into Pip’s life. Dickens died happy in the middle class and Pip died happy in the middle class. The connection Dickens makes with his life to Pip’s life is undeniable. If readers understand Dickens and his upbringing then readers can understand how and why he created Pip’s upbringingRead MoreCharles Dickens Great Expectations943 Words   |  4 Pages This is true in many cases but none as much as in Great Expectations. In many ways the narrator/protagonist Pip is Charles Dickens in body and mind. While there are many differences between the story and Charles Dickens life there remains one constant. This constant is the way Pip as the narra tor feels, because these feelings are Dickens s own feelings about the life he lead. Since Great Expectations was written towards end of Charles Dickens life, he was wiser and able to make out the mistakesRead MoreGreat Expectations By Charles Dickens1375 Words   |  6 PagesGreat Expectations by Charles Dickens and The Talented Mr Ripley by Anthony Minghella present similar criticisms of society to a large extent. Both of these texts consider the criticisms of rich social contexts (wealth and status), societal morality (whether a society is good or not. Status [can lead to the wrong people being in a high position i.e. making bad decisions affecting the community/society] Appearance [society appears to be moral/good (if you’re from a higher status) {dickens criticisesRead MoreCharles Dickens Great Expectations1223 Words   |  5 PagesBeloved author Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 in Portsmouth, England. Growing up in a life of poverty, his childhood hardshi ps provided the inspiration to write a myriad of classic novels including his 1861 seminole masterpiece, Great Expectations (â€Å"BBC History - Charles Dickens†). Great Expectations follows the life of an orphan named Pip, who’s perspective of the world is altered when he is attacked by an escaped convict in his parents’ graveyard in the town of Kent. Throughout hisRead MoreCharles Dickens Great Expectations1344 Words   |  6 Pagessomething that is not what they truly need? Often, they use social class to fill a void in their lives that can not be filled by materialistic possessions. Many people realize this, but it is often too late. Charles Dickens demonstrates the effects of social climbing in his novel, Great Expectations. This novel explores the connections and effects of human nature and society, which are the two most powerful forces that guide people’s decisions. Some may say that social climbing is good, but as will beRead MoreGreat Expectat ions by Charles Dickens1285 Words   |  6 PagesAP Great Book Assignment: Great Expectations The 544-page, Bildungsroman novel, Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens is considered a classic because it has stood the test of time, appealing to generation after generation of readers while still remaining relevant to them. Published in 1861, Dickens created a coming-of-age story that is similar to his other novel, David Copperfield, but Great Expectations is considered to have reflected parts of his own life. There are several parallels betweenRead MoreGreat Expectations By Charles Dickens924 Words   |  4 Pagesa character driven novel, or a mix of the two. In order for a novel to be character driven, it must revolve more around the characters’ individual thoughts, feelings, and inner struggles, rather than around the quest of the story. Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens, is a character driven novel. While the story does have a plot, it is not contingent upon that plot, but rather is reliant upon its characters and their natures. This is evident from the beginni ng of the novel. From the opening of

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Material Sources Issues

Question: Discuss each of the issues raised and use the material sources. Where appropriate use references in the Harvard style, and diagrams and theories. It is not essential for you to write a report on each. Answer: 1. Evaluating the vision of McDonald and its relation to the core strategic direction McDonalds mission To be the preferred choice of place to eat and drink, the focus of global strategy promotes plan to win providing a world class customer experience based on 5P (People, product, Place, Price and Promotion) Concept. A mission statement of the company expresses the reason behind its existence and how it works with the objective of creating value for all its stakeholders namely customers, employees, investors, government, local communities, and media (Hawkins and Mothersbaugh, 2009). The importance of mission statement of the company is that it emphasis on the core value. On evaluating the core value of the company it is observed that McDonaldss mission statement exhibit six core value and guiding principles of the company as mentioned below Provide a positive environment in the workplace and cultivate the concept of respect and self-esteem among employees. Promote the cultural diversity as part of the company culture and way of conducting business. Implement highest standard of excellence in the process of purchasing, preparation and delivery of service. Provide customer delight by effective customer service on consistent basis. Make positive contribution to the society and environment. Accept the importance of profitability for the future growth of the company. McDonalds Vision The vision statement of the company is related with the purpose and objective of the company with orientation towards the future. The mission of the company focus on the purpose of being while vision of the company focus future goal and objective based on the purpose already stated in the mission (Zeithaml, Bitner, and Gremler, 2006). The strategy designed is directly based on the vision with believe that the strategy is made by the company to achieve the set vision by satisfying the mission of the company. The vision of McDonald is Establish McDonalds as the premium service provider of the world without compromising the core value in the process of growth. Roles played by Mission and Vision Both the Mission and Vision statement of McDonald when evaluated provided three significant roles and they are Communicate the value and purpose of the company to all the stakeholders. The strategy developed by the company to be well communicated to ground level for better implementation. Develop SMART objectives for effective control. [Source: Self] Figure 1Key role of Mission and Vision The first mission and vision emphasis on the effective communication of the value and purpose of the company to all the stakeholders so that everyone work together to achieve the mission and vision set by the company (Cravens and Piercy, 2008). The second mission and vision focus on setting target for the development of strategy and the success of the strategy is evaluated by observing how effectively it assist the company in attaining the mission and vision. On evaluating how this vision of McDonalds has been at the core of its strategic direction it is observed that the mission and vision of the company is well communicated to the field staff and they are supported by the strategic measures related with operation, delivery and customer by focusing on the 5P (People, product, Place, Price and Promotion) Concept. Each employee of the company work to establish McDonalds as the premium service provider of the world without compromising the core value in the process of growth (Chaffey et al., 2009). The strategy direction of the company focus on recruiting right people, selling right product, with wide distribution network (place), provide reasonable price and effective promotion. The company emphasis on the delivery commitment that is not compromised and expanding to achieve the growth thereby working towards attaining the vision with the help of the mission set. 2. Using strategic capabilities to create a strong and sustainable competitive advantage The importance of competitive advantage cannot be denied by business entity with the aims and objective to create a strong and long term business. In the process of achieving the competitive advantage every company evaluate the internal resources and capability (Atasu, Sarvary, and Van, 2008). If the company can use the internal resources and capability to create value for customers and if that competencies cannot be imitated by the rival players in the industry then it can definitely help the company in achieving the competitive advantage in the market place. Many companies use the SW framework part of SWOT analysis to evaluate the internal resources and capability that enhance the competency level. The SW framework help to identify the core strength of the company in terms of human resources, financial resources, marketing resources, production resources, service resources, information technology resources (Doole, and Lowe, 2008.). Similarly it helps in identifying the weaknesses l ike lack of research and development, operation, economies of scale, supply chain issues, marketing mix and segmentation issue. If this strength and weaknesses are identified properly it assists in the next stage of building on the strategic capabilities by reducing the weaknesses. There are many examples from the business world that exemplify that identified by the strength and weaknesses and used them to create value for the customers and make that resources note easily imitable by the rival. PG, Unilever, Toyota, BMW, Amazon, Google, Nike and Rebook are brand that used strategic capabilities to gain competitive advantage and promote sustainable growth (Quester, et al., 2007). In this context Google is case study Company whose strategic capabilities will be examined to understand how the company worked on internal resources and capability to create a strong and sustainable competitive advantage. Google Inc is company established in 1998 by Larry page and is leading multinational company focusing on the internet related products and services. The company identified technology and World Wide Web as the core strength of the company and growing competition in the industry as major weaknesses (Baker, 2014). The goal of most strategies undertaken by the company aims at gaining competitive advantage by using marketing mix and market positioning to gain economy of scale and attract target customers or identifying the internal resources and capability like people, capital, or technology to deliver superior product and services (Chiuet et al., 2006). The business conduct regular strategy reviews and change the strategic direction and structure of the company based o n the evaluation of the industry and projection on how the future will shape. The company used the technology resources and capability to read and act on signals and adapt to reshape the information landscape of the technology industry. Google used the technology resources and build the competency by using algorithms to renew the place of an ad using two parameters and they are ad relevance of personal search or website and examining the advertisers key words bids. As advertiser pay per click if the ad is more relevant it leads to higher click generating more revenue for the company. The company linked the advertising data and operation directly thereby responding changing ad condition in fraction of a second and it can be done without interference of decision makers of people (Berthon, et al., 2012). This technology competency provided unique competency in the digital advertising world for Goggle and the company gained competitive advantage that is not easily obtained by other rival players in the industry. This is the reason why the Goggle is the market leader in the online advertising and enjoys completive edge compared to any other players operating in the digital platform by being the preferred choice for custo mers. 3. Organization achieving sustainable competitive advantage by the cost leadership approach Porters generic competitive strategy is strategic tool used by the business to evaluate competition in the industry. According to Michael porter it is choice between cost advantage and differentiation that help the company to achieve competitive advantage (Chen and Xie, 2005). A company can use the two strategies in different segment or just few and three generic strategies are developed and they are leadership strategy, differentiation strategy and focus strategy. The reason why this is known as generic strategies is based on the fact that these strategies are not industry oriented. A Company using the cost leadership strategy lowers the price of the product or services in most of the segment to gain competitive advantage. If the company sells the product or services at price matching the industry average then it can earn higher profit compared to its competitors while of it sells the products or services below the industry average prices it can increase the market share (Payne, Ballantyne, and Christopher, 2005). The various strategy explored by the company to use cost leadership strategy include enhancing the operation effectiveness, economies of scale, experience curve effect and outsourcing. The low cost leadership strategy signifies overall cost being lower and it is not just related with low cost production. The main focus of the company using cost leadership strategy implores low cost in comparison to the competitor in the market. A Company using cost leadership is the airline company Ryanair. It is a leading player in the aviation industry of Europe and the company decreases the price of tickets compared to other airlines operating in the industry to gain competitive advantage (Payne, Ballantyne, and Christopher, 2005). It charges below the aviation industry price with eye on the volume business increasing the market share. The main problem with cost leadership strategy is that the company adopting this strategy decreases the brand image and considered to be inferior product or services compared to other rival players in the industry. As such the premium customers who are regular customer cannot be attracted with the help of this strategy. Thus mass customer is lured by the cost leadership strategy and it helps the company to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. On the other hand the product differentiation strategy focus on developing a superior product with unique features that provides premium value of the customer. The company using product differentiation strategy use the premium pricing strategy with a view to recover the additional cost spent in the product and thereby increasing the profit margin of the company (Graham, 2008.) The differentiation can be attained by the company with help of various strategy like providing premium quality of product or performance, providing unique product or service features, rapid innovation of product or service and more effective customer service creating differentiation. The cargo companies FedEx (superior service), Toyota (superior product) and Caterpillar (premium spare parts). The other strategy of Porter;s generic strategy is the focus strategy where the company put the marketing effort on few selected segment with the help of cost leadership strategy or product focus (Perreault et al., 2006). The cost leadership and product differentiation used in focus strategy are similar but the difference of the focus strategy is related with capability of the company to create niche market segment for the product or service of the company. In the case the cost leadership used to gain competitive advantage. References Atasu, A., Sarvary, M. and Van Wassenhove, L.N., 2008. 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