Friday, May 15, 2020

Hay Que, Tener Que and Similar Spanish Phrases

If you have to say theres something you have to do or that has to be done, heres how you can do it in Spanish. Tener Que Perhaps the most common way of saying to have to in Spanish is tener que followed by an infinitive. Tengo que pagar impuestos. (I have to pay taxes.) Mi padre tiene que ir a Barranquilla. (My father has to go to Barranquilla.) Tener que is the phrase for statements of necessity that is usually learned first by students of Spanish because it is very common and doesnt require the knowledge of any verb conjugation beyond the forms of tener. But there are other ways as well to make statements of necessity. Hay Que Another that is even easier to learn because it doesnt require any conjugation is hay que, again followed by an infinitive: Hay que ser muy listo. (It is necessary to be very ready.)  ¿Por quà © hay que usar cà ³digos? (Why is it necessary to use codes?) Necesitar Que and Es Necesario Que As might be expected, some other phrases used in statements of necessity are closely related to the word necessary. One is the impersonal verb necesitar, meaning to be necessary, which can be followed by que and a verb in the subjunctive mood. Necesito que un experto me contacte. (I need an expert to contact me. A word-for-word translation would be: I need that an expert contact me. Many of the other translations below where the subjunctive is used follow a similar pattern.) Necesitas que alguien te escuche. (You need someone to listen to you.) Similarly, it is possible to use the impersonal phrase es necesario que, which also is followed by a verb in the subjunctive. Es necesario que Europa conserve su herencia. (It is necessary for Europe to retain its heritage.) Es necesario que nos envà ­en los datos. (It is necessary for them to send us the data.) Two Es Phrases Less common than the above is the impersonal phrase es preciso, which also means it is necessary. It is usually followed by an infinitive, but it also can be followed by que and a subjunctive verb. Es preciso revisar el diseà ±o y la organizacià ³n del programa. (It is necessary to change the design and organization of the program.) Es preciso que trabajen. (It is necessary for them to work.) The impersonal phrase es importante, meaning it is important, is used in the same way, although it isnt as forceful as es necesario. Es importante saber sobre interoperabilidad. (It is important to know about interoperability.) Es importante que el sitio web està © en espaà ±ol. (It is important that the website be in Spanish.) Urgir Finally, to indicate that something is urgently necessary, it is possible to use the impersonal phrase urge que from the verb urgir, again followed by a verb in the subjunctive. Urge que Xcacel sea declarada como reserva natural protegida. (It is urgent that Xcacel be declared a natural protected reserve.) Me urge que todo el mundo lo lea. (It is urgent to me that everybody read it.) The verb urgir can also stand alone as a verb to mean to be urgently needed. Urge atencià ³n inmediata el caso de los asesinatos de mujeres en Ciudad Juà ¡rez. The case of women murdered in Cuidad Juarez urgently needs attention.) Me urge ayuda sobre los siguientes terminales. (I urgently need help with the following terms.)

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