Friday, December 27, 2019

Ideas of Rulers in Tao-te Ching and The Prince Essay

When comparing Tao-te Ching to The Prince there are numerous differences. The authors of these two documents had almost completely opposite ideas of how a ruler should behave and how a government should be run. One believed that the ruler could accomplish the most by doing the least; the other believed that by controlling how the public perceived a ruler was what would make him a success or a failure. Machiavelli believed that to rule the prince must do things that would win approval with his people, and that the prince must always keep and maintain arms to remain in power. On the other hand Lao-tzu believed that the master ruled with as little involvement as possible, he believed that to â€Å"not do† would have the greatest effect, and†¦show more content†¦Throughout The Prince are guide lines for a ruler to follow concerning matters of how he is going to be viewed by the people. Machiavelli says that a prince should take care to not be too generous or too cru el as either could have a negative effect on his reputation. While these two ideas might seem to have little relevance to one another it is just an example of how Lao-tzu’s and Machiavelli’s ideas about how important the rulers public persona was to their ability to rule successfully. Finally one major difference is that Machiavelli believes that the ruler should always keep arms and be ready to fight off a threat. Lao-tzu has the idea that the only need to keep arms is for a last resort when all other options have been exhausted. This is an enormous difference; The Prince gives the idea that by not maintaining a military and a willingness to fight the ruler may be over thrown by either another country or by his own people. Lao-tzu gives the idea that if you rule properly you will not need the weapon except in the most extreme circumstances. He also gives the idea that if a ruler tries to rule by force another force opposing the ruler will come to him. Both of these authors have good ideas on how to rule properly and have the greatest influence on their people. While neither one of the ideas is wrong nor right they are both good proposals for any one not just a prince or a master, but anyone who findsShow MoreRelated Comparison of Lao-tzu and Machiavelli Essay729 Words   |  3 Pagesphilosopher from 6th century BC, the author of Tao-te Ching, and Machiavelli was an Italian philosopher who lived 2000 years after Lao-tzu’s time, author of Prince. They are both philosophers but have totally different perspective on how to be a good leader. While both philosopher’s writing is instructive. Lao-tzu’s advice issues from detached view of a universal ruler; Machiavelli’s advice is very personal perhaps demanding. Both philosophers’ idea will not work for today’s world, because thatRead MoreAmerican Government Essay example684 Words   |  3 Pagesgeneral Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity (the United States Constitution). In essences this is still true today although I feel our government has gotten out of hand. It is not as harsh as Machiavellis ideas of government where he believes in striking fear in the people and never wavering from thoughts of war. Our government does protect us in many ways. Just as Machiavellis government, we have a military that is ready to protect and serve us. We areRead More The Tao-te Ching by Lao-Tzu and The Prince by Machiavelli Essay1760 Words   |  8 Pagesâ€Å"The Tao-te Ching† by Lao-Tzu and â€Å"The Prince† by Machiavelli Throughout history, it can be argued that at the core of the majority of successful societies has stood an effective allocation of leadership. Accordingly, in their respective works â€Å"The Tao-te Ching† and â€Å"The Prince†, Lao-Tzu and Machiavelli have sought to reach a more complete understanding of this relationship. The theme of political leaders and their intricate relationship with society indeed manifests itself within both textsRead MoreLao-Tzu: Characteristics of a Good Leader Essay examples1844 Words   |  8 Pages Lao-Tzu’s, â€Å"Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching,† along with Niccolo Machiavelli’s, â€Å"The Qualities of the Prince,† both discuss multiple characteristics that a leader should possess to be a successful. While their goal is similar, in which they both describe what it takes to become a better leader, their ideas concerning leading are conflicting. Lao-Tzu, a Chinese Philosopher from Henan Province China, is known today as the author of, â€Å"Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching.† He is also recognized as a, â€Å"contemporaryRead MoreEssay on Lao Tzus Teachings on Effective Government1206 Words   |  5 PagesHowever an effective government is also based on a how a leader governs the country. Lao Tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher, and Niccolo Machiavelli, in The Prince, an Italian philosopher, present ideas that are very contradictory to each other. Lao Tzu appears liberal as a master who will not control the people while Machiavelli states a prince must emerge and take control of his people. Although both appear to be more contradictory, but they are appear more consentient than they are appear to beRead MoreLao Tzu And Machiavelli Analysis1038 Words   |  5 Pagessafety of his subjects, however, there are different ways in which to do so. The absence of admirable leadership leads to chaos and social unrest. Withi n Lao Tzu’s Thoughts from the Tao-Te-Ching and Machiavelli’s The Prince, there are similar ideas surrounding the definition of a leader. They ultimately explore their idea of what an optimal government would be like; more specifically, what an ideal leader is and how they can maintain social tranquility. Even though both authors contemplate what a leaderRead MoreEssay on The Question of Goverment1083 Words   |  5 Pagespropaganda, including several documents that exhibit different opinions on how an organization, such as a government, or club should uphold laws, written or unwritten. Such documents include Lao Tzu’s, â€Å"Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching,† Niccolo Machiavelli’s â€Å"The Qualities of the Prince.† Although each of these works contain important advice, as time progresses circumstances often change, and with that comes new and effective ways to maintain an organization, government, etc.. More importantly, theRead More The Ideal State of Today Essay1789 Words   |  8 Pagesas well as the citizens. However, several of the traits classified as necessary for both a leader and government, by Lao and Machiavelli are undesirable in the path to the ideal state. In his work, â€Å"Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching,† Lao-Tzu discusses the Tao. Lao believes the Tao or â€Å"the way† to be the most effective method into developing a leader fit to manage a government in which everyone is content and is at peace. According to Lao, â€Å"the Master doesn’t talk, he acts. When his work is done,Read MoreReligion Information Paper : Buddhism3761 Words   |  16 Pages Religion Information Paper Buddhism The founder of Buddidism is know to be a Prince called Siddhartha Gautama, he was born in North India. He was the son of King Suddhodanna and Queen Maha Maya Devi. The young man was given the name Prince Siddhartha Gautama. As soon as the prince was born there was prediction on whether he would become a Buddah or a world leader, no one knew as it could have been either. He was born into a very rich family and everything was done for him, however his father

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Once stranded on an island, a group of boys become...

Once stranded on an island, a group of boys become separated. Two of them are together, others are dispersed. The two boys who are together need a way to pull the others onto the beach to have a meeting. They look over the lagoon, and they see the perfect thing to do this with: a beautiful, colorful conch shell. The two boys worked together to retrieve the shell. â€Å"In color the shell was deep cream, touched here and there with fading pink. Between the point, worn away into a little hole, and the pink lips of the mouth, lay eighteen inches of shell with a slight spiral twist and covered with a delicate, embossed pattern. Ralph shook sand out of the deep tube.† (Golding page 16) The fair colored boy, Ralph, blew the conch, knowing that†¦show more content†¦Ralph would be holding the conch, Jack would take it, and Piggy would try to talk whichever had the conch out of making rash decisions. Eventually, the island becomes divided between Ralph’s friends and followers, and Jack’s friends and followers. Ralph, as the elected chief, along with Piggy, keeps the conch. The island’s diplomatic issues get worse and worse, and both sides want the conch. Ralph still values the conch as the source of power and order, even after order is lost, and so does Jack. Jack is a savage at this point in the story, and doesn’t care about order, until he sees Ralph’s power through this diplomacy and order. The hunters, led by Jack, eventually destroy the conch as a whole thing and smash it to pieces, and the order upheld by the conch is officially lost. The two tribes of boys are now basically two completely different groups. They are not on good terms, and all friendships have been shattered, just like the conch. The conch often symbolized things; order and authority. The order that was once upheld by the conch was very important to the story, however. When the island first separated, they thought they had lost power. Ralph said, â€Å"If I blow the conch and they don’t come back; then we’ve had it. We shan’t keep the fire going. We’ll be like animals. We’ll never be rescued.† (Golding page 92) These boys did value the conch, and it almost became like their god or idol. They all respec tedShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Lord Of The Flies And Animal Farm1633 Words   |  7 PagesWhen he leaves, a pig named Napoleon quickly becomes leader of all the animals and causes the farm to fall into a dictatorship instead of a Utopian society. This book captures and represents the Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union under the rule of Joseph Stalin. In this novel, Joseph Stalin is represented as Napoleon. On the other hand, Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, is about boys who survive a plane crash and get stranded on the island. They have to fend for themselves in orderRead MoreLord Of The Flies By William Golding1201 Words   |  5 Pageshuman conscious. A group of boys, stranded on an island, become savage instead of working together and start fighting each other. Golding’s use of the war allegory shows how children can become as ruthless as adults when put in the right setting. While on the island, personality traits surfaced, such as their sa vageness, their carelessness, their fear, their hunger power, and their childish pride. Golding uses a war allegory to show than man will naturally conflicts with others because of a thirstRead More Societys Struggle Against Its Savage Roots Essay example1914 Words   |  8 Pagessociety, the behaviour of people will regress to their savage beginnings, due to the fact that ones need for survival will overpower all other impulses. The descent into savagery, mans inherent desire to survive over anything else, and the need for civilization and order shows how society unnaturally holds everyone together. Society artificially bonds everything together by imposing rules and structures and without the reminders of civilization and its conventions the savagery of human nature emergesRead MoreStory Of The Famous Olympic Distance Runner1902 Words   |  8 PagesMaizee Lamb OL 300 01 Everyone is capable of showing leadership traits – it just a matter of finding a motivation. The leadership trait theory explains that some people are born with inherited traits while others using a combination of traits to fit in their leadership roles. The movie Unbroken tells the story of the famous Olympic distance runner, Louis Louie Zamperini, who sets a record for running distances in his final lap. The story begins by showing Louie using his bombing abilities as partRead MoreEssay on Reality TV4178 Words   |  17 Pagesâ€Å"granddaddy† of the reality TV genre (History of reality TV). This show actually began in radio broadcasting. Allen Funt was the man in charge of this whole new production. He started by simply taping complaints of men in service and broadcasting them over the Armed Forces Radio. This is what later became known as the television show, Candid Camera. Candid Camera was known for â€Å"catching people in the act of being themselves† (History of Reality TV). Funt passed away in 1999 and his son, PeterRead MoreSAT Top 30 Essay Evidence18536 Words   |  75 Pages................................................. 29 Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling (Witches, Wizards, and Muggles!) .......................................................... 31 Lord of the Flies, by William Golding (Murderous schoolboys stranded on an island!) ......................... 33 The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald (The famous American novel) ................................................ 35 Historical Events: The American Great Depression (1929-1930s) ......................Read MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words   |  960 PagesNorfolk Southern Railway: The Business Intelligence Journey CASE STUDY II-4 Mining Data to Increase State Tax Revenues in California CASE STUDY II-5 The Cliptomaniaâ„ ¢ Web Store: An E-Tailing Start-up Survival Story CASE STUDY II-6 Rock Island Chocolate Company, Inc.: Building a Social Networking Strategy CASE STUDY III-1 Managing a Systems Development Project at Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc. CASE STUDY III-2 A Make-or-Buy Decision at Baxter Manufacturing Company Read MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pagespart of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid-free paper. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Discussion on Conflict Organizational Activities †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Discussion on Conflict Organizational Activities. Answer: Introduction: Conflict is one of the vital forces that shape organizational activities. In organizations, conflict arises due to variation in opinions, interests, or clash of personalities. Importantly, the weeks reading explicitly illustrates that the understanding of conflict has evolved over the years. Initially, the traditional view held that conflict is harmful and should be avoided. Later, the human relation view posited that conflict is natural and unavoidable in any given team. Finally, the current view states that conflict is a positive force that is necessary for a group to perform effectively. However, questions have emerged on how individuals can benefit from a conflict. Several authors have proposed ways in which individuals can benefit from conflicts. In their article, Sturt and Nordstrom (2017) opine that conflict can lead to significant personal and professional progress. Sturt and Nordstrom (2017) outline that individuals can benefit from a conflict by focusing on facts, probing their attitude towards their colleagues, and using effective communication strategies in resolving the conflict. With these strategies, the conflicting parties discover their weakness and plan on ways of addressing them. The view presented in this article supports the interactionist view on the advantages of conflict. Consequently, as a future team player, it is essential to reflect on ways of using conflict for personal and professional development. References Sturt, D., Nordstrom, T. (2017, January 23). How To Use Conflict To Your Advantage At Work. Retrieved from Forbes:

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Worlds Famous Masterpiece David Sculpture

David sculpture is recognized to be one of the most famous masterpieces in the world. It was created by a well-known Italian sculptor and architect Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni in the 16th century. It is not a secret that one of the most well-known subjects of the art of Italy is considered to be the most interesting and prominent hero – David.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on World’s Famous Masterpiece: David Sculpture specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The statue is recognized to be the symbol of the defense of civil liberties in Italy. In the 19th century the statue was moved to an art academy in Florence – the Accademia di Belle Arti. There were many visitors, who came to the Gallery to see the sculptor’s masterpiece. The distinctive feature of Michelangelo’s statue is that the Biblical hero is depicted alone; there is no Goliath of Gath. Thus, the statues of Don ato di Niccolà ² di Betto Bardi and Andrea del Verrocchio depict the main hero in the battle with the head of the slain. However, some scientists say that Michelangelo decided to create David before the battle. One more issue I would like to discuss concerns with the details of David’s face. Thus, the opinion that famous sculptor depicted his hero before the battle is confirmed by the hero’s facial expression. So, one may point out that David is rather composed, but angry. It is said that the statue excelled all famous and contemporary works, as Michelangelo was able to restore to life a dead person. On the other hand, some scientists suppose that one of the most important Italian Renaissance sculptors depicted one of the political figures in Florence. In my opinion, the sculpture depicts the most important traits of person’s character. Thus, the ancient work can be served as an example of the strongest emotions people can feel. I would like to touch on the mod ern conception the masterpiece is related to. Thus, I want to describe a complex psychophysiological experience the sculpture concerns with. So, as far as the facial expression of David reminds us of anger, the only thing people can do is to admire Michelangelo’s ability to depict an automatic response to ill treatment.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To my mind, that basic idea of famous sculptor was to impress the viewers, or to discover the hidden issue of the objective reality. The sculpture provokes imagination and people start to think over the primary emotions they are born with. Thus, in my opinion, the sculpture is considered to be a feedback mechanism. One may state that there are unpleasant responses which depend on the same phenomena and vice versa. Of course, it is true. Anger is considered to be a normal emotion and Michelangelo’s sculpture is related to three modalities of negative psychological interpretation. Thus, there are cognitive and behavioral modalities of anger which are depicted by famous sculptor. Tension and antagonism are considered to be the primary issues Michelangelo showed. Body language and facial expressions are recognized to be the most widespread signs of an automatic response to ill treatment. Most of people know that David fought against Goliath of Gath and the sculptor showed us the inner state of the Biblical hero before the battle. Thus, one may think that public acts of aggression are also the signs of anger. I suppose that the sculptor depicted a kind of aggressive behavior, which is called bullying. The signs include facial expressions (David’s eyes create immediate cues). I think that Michelangelo’s work impacted on my ability to understand the emotional state of people. This essay on World’s Famous Masterpiece: David Sculpture was written and submitted by user Alejandra Espinoza to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Voluntary disclosure reporting

Voluntary disclosure reporting Voluntary (or market) disclosure reporting presents beneficial social and environmental impacts on a company, compared to pressure-oriented one. Market disclosure reporting is on the rise (Peiyuan 2005, p.1). The content of market disclosure is designed to justify social values held by the company, keep pressure groups at bay, integrate the corporate social responsibility components as well as build the corporate image (by enhancing brand benefits) (Buniamin 2010, p.117; Peiyuan 2005, p.3).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Voluntary disclosure reporting specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This form of reporting can be the bases upon which a company achieves certification (such as ISO 14001) that proves environmental best practices are observed during company operations (that is, from cradle to grave of product life), particularly on pollution matters (Buniamin 2010, p.117). Annual company reports that supplement financia l statements allow pertinent stakeholders to access environmental information. According to Peiyuan (2005, p.3), most companies in China increasingly prefer corporate annual reports. While the annual reports are accessible to investors, corporate boards (decision makers) as well as the larger public, the disclosure index is strictly under check since they are the main information tools for the company. The other channel of reporting is social and environmental impact assessment (SEIA). These reports are highly technical and professional. These reports disclose comprehensively the outcomes from public participation and consultation with the regard to the pollution causes and impacts. Such requirements are hardly needed for corporate annual reporting. Moreover, SEIA report presents a broad spectrum for the disclosure index. Since the printing company has potential sources of adverse pollution of air, land and noise, competitors and pressure groups can use the SEIA report to the compan ys detriment. Corporate annual reports are relevant but rarely subject to environmental audits. Moreover, annual corporate reports focus on initiatives made towards environmental sustainability and conservation, rather than environment degradation, in particular. To a larger extent, corporate annual reports are marketing tools, thus, a wide range of media platforms can be used (Hooghiemstra 2000, p.56). As a company communicates directly to its investors (shareholders), environmental information can be packaged alongside financial statements. Various media platforms allow diversified report setting: board member or conference meeting (use pamphlets and power-point notes), mass media (use radio and television commentaries and adverts) as well as journal publication for long-term reference purposes. It is highly likely that curious and/or keen audience will receive information, since the packaging of annual reports is public friendly (Hooghiemstra 2000, p.56).Advertising Looki ng for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Concerns raised by any audience on the state of the environment can form the bases for a comprehensive SEIA study reporting. It is evident that proponents incur high financial costs while undertaking SIEA studies and audits, thus, should be undertaken when necessary or when adverse impacts are unforeseeable (zero/ null alternative). Since annual financial reporting is mandatory for any business, accommodating social and environmental aspects within the same report reduces cost of duplicating efforts. In other words, it allows for common budget planning and handling of different corporate annual report themes at a go. Printing services pollute less compared to coal ad fossil fuel combustion facilities or paper and plastic manufacturers. The fact that the client has the option to discern (exercise due diligence) between the choice of paper (recycled or non-re cycled) the blame for pollution shifts from the company to the next party. However, the company has the duty to inform, educate, and advocate for what is environmentally friendly. Legislations on and the enforcement of cleaner production may negate the need for SEIA reports. References Buniamin, S 2010, ‘The Quantity and Quality of Environmental Reporting in Annual Report of Public Listed Companies in Malaysia’, Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 115-135. Web. Hooghiemstra, R 2000, ‘Corporate Communication and Impression Management– New Perspectives Why Companies Engage in Corporate Social Reporting’, Journal of Business Ethic, vol. 27, pp. 55–68. Web. Peiyuan, G 2005, Corporate Environmental Reporting and Disclosure in China. Web.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What do you think is the most significant change in correctional Essay - 4

What do you think is the most significant change in correctional policy in the last 100 years and why important - Essay Example These groups have been attributed for the major changes in the correctional facilities. Changes in the correctional institutions range from decongestion, improved security and increased human contact with relatives. In all the implemented changes in correctional facilities, the most significant change is the change regarding the mentally disabled or unfit. Prior to the past century, mentally disabled individuals were held in the same correctional facilities as the normal persons. This was a breach of human rights according to modern day states. There should be a distinction between normal individuals and mentally disabled individuals as far as convictions are concerned. In many instances, mentally disabled individuals commit crimes unknowingly. In past centuries this claim was insignificant an all convicts were treated to the same levels of punishment (Doris & Frieda, pp, 102). Mentally disabled persons unknowingly commit crimes without their consent. This claim has been used by human rights. According to Levinson (pp. 39) the insane individuals in society should be given exceptions as far as convictions are concerned. In the 21st century, the most significant change in correctional facilities is the exclusion of mentally disabled persons in normal correctional institutions. The sensitivity of human nature has definitely increased for cing people in society to advocate for proper and secluded correctional facilities for the mentally disabled. In 2007, there was the emergence of the mental health act. This act advocated for a compulsory test to all potential inmates. This enabled the mentally disabled persons to give logic reasons as to why they committed crimes. The importance of this act was very significant because many serious federal offenders tested positive to mental instability. According to Landsberg (pp. 117) mentally instability individuals stand in a high position to commit crimes without their knowledge.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Should Parents have a Another Child to Save the Life of Another Child Research Paper

Should Parents have a Another Child to Save the Life of Another Child - Research Paper Example Long term repercussions have not been determined as of yet because most of the children born are still underage. Society may not see the negative effects that this process can have on the child until several more years from now, when the child is an adult. As a child, he or she has no choice to donate or not, it is up to the parents. It is definitely heart wrenching to see your child die a little more each day, but parents and society must learn the effects that having another child to save the sick one will have. The opposition is just as outspoken. If a child’s life can be saved, then anything should be done to save it. The opposition has appealing concepts and qualities. No one wants to see a child die, especially the parents of that child. Everything that can be done should be done. Keeping that humane value in mind, during 2002 the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA) in England laid the basis for an outrageous debate not only in media, but in the ethical c ircles too, when they allowed a family to have a baby that will be genetically selected to cure the chronical disease of its sibling. A group of medical and scientific researchers fully supported the idea to have a baby as a savior for its sibling. It is ethically acceptable to create an offspring to save the life of a desperately ill sibling. ... al., as cited in Pentz, R., et. al., 2008). They also argue that life is a precious thing and it is obligatory for us to save each and every life when we can do it with available technologies in 21st century. It is better than seeing a child dying with Fanconi anemia. It is heart rendering as a human to see people losing strings to life with peeling mucous membranes, sloughing skin and mouths with pouring bloods. No matter, whatever it takes but lives should be saved (Belkin, 2001). Aulisio, May and Block (2001) indicate that "as a matter of social policy there is no justificatory ground for prohibiting parents from having a child to save a child." They see it quite ethical if a child is brought into existence for specific reasons. Whatever happens next to the donor child is the area of main concern while rest lies with the decision of donation that is taken either by the donor or parents. If the minor donor is involved and is not able to take decision then the donation should be don e in the best interest of the donor. For me, infact the idea to create a child as a donor for bone marrow transplant for curing a medically vulnerable sibling, seem awful to all acceptable ethical standards. This is a fact that lot of children born, are from unplanned pregnancies and after the initial shock of the parents, excitement ensues. The baby is born and the parents are happy, proud, and full of love and hopes for the future. Other children are planned and parents experience the same feelings. What happens when that child that is so loved and nurtured becomes so ill that he or she needs a bone marrow transplant in order to survive?

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Week 4 question 8 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 4 question 8 - Assignment Example On the other hand, an organization that focuses on cost minimisation like Wal-Mart should have a mechanistic structure. Through centralization of power and authority, it can be observed that the nature of business follows a particular routine and costs are minimised since there are few people involved in the decision making process that is vital for the operations of the organization as a whole. 2. Organizational culture refers to â€Å"a system of shared meaning held by the members that distinguishes the organization from the other organizations,† (Sanchez, 2014, p.4). In many ways, organizational culture is beneficial when it fosters innovation and risk taking. Organizational culture is also beneficial when the employees are innovative. More importantly, organizational culture is beneficial when it is people, organization and team oriented. Another sign that shows that organizational culture is beneficial is when it creates stability in the firm. However, organizational culture becomes a liability if it is resistant to change since it will be counterproductive. A culture that hinders diversity in the organization is also a liability. A diverse workforce is productive since the members can share their ideas and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Water Quality Of Perlis River Environmental Sciences Essay

Water Quality Of Perlis River Environmental Sciences Essay Malaysia is enriched by abundance of natural resources and one of them is the rivers or also known as surface water. River or surface water is precious and vital natural resource for all life on Earth especially human being as it provides water supply for human domestic use, irrigation for agriculture, as a means of transportation, industries use and so on. Even though there always has been plenty of fresh water in Malaysia, clean water supply has not always been available due to the rising water pollution problem. Nowadays, Malaysia has become an industrialized country and no longer left behind the other developed countries but at the cost of the environment. Effluent from the industrial area which is then discharged directly into the rivers without prior treatment is the main sources of water pollution. Besides, human activities such as the uses of agricultural chemicals, soil erosion due to improper development project, land use and so on are also contributed significantly to water pollution (Niemi et al., 1990). Pollution of river with high concentration of toxic chemicals and excess nutrients, which are resulting from surface water runoff, leaching from landfill site and ground water discharges has been aroused the public concern towards the water pollution issue. Thus, there is a need to assess river or surface water quality due to the increased understanding of the importance of water quality towards public health and aquatic life (Ying, 2005). Peninsular Malaysia consists of 11 states and two federal territories whereas Perlis is the smallest state among them. Perlis state is situated at the northwest of peninsular Malaysia. There are more than ten major rivers within the Perlis area while Perlis River is one of the most important rivers in Perlis. The length of the Perlis River is approximately 11 km through Kangar city to Kuala Perlis while the size of the river basin is approximately 310 kmÂÂ ². Perlis River has become the center stage for the public to socialize and for recreational activities particularly at Denai Larian Sungai Perlis. The number of visitors who are visiting to the river and surrounding area for rest and recreation purpose is estimated to be achieved 10,000 peoples per month. However, the quality of Perlis River does not reach the desired level and it is much difference if compared to the major rivers at developed countries. There are some problems which occurred at Perlis River at present. According to the Interim National Water Quality Standards for Malaysia, the status of water quality at Sungai Perlis is classified as Class III. There is heavy erosion occurred at Perlis River and leading to the river banks become very shallow. Residents which located surrounding the river have thrown rubbish or solid waste into the river therefore causing to unaesthetic scene and it is not accessible to boats. Besides, there is a landfill located in Kuala Perlis and this directly affects the water quality of the river when the leachate is leaching out. Squatters located near the river reserve area are also causing pollution problems and there is a need to regular patrols or hut-to-hut checks. Other point source pollution such as shrimp livestock ponds, Kangar wet market, esplanade at Perlis River, food stalls and the Kuala Perlis fisherman jetty are contributed significantly to the water pollution at Perlis River. (w On the other hand, the sources of water pollution can be categorized into point and non-point sources. Point sources of pollution refer to those easily identifiable pollutants which enter the water resource though a direct route, for example, effluent from wastewater treatment plants. Whereas for non-point source pollution, it refer to those pollutants which enter from diffuse sources and they are difficult to control, such as stormwater runoff (P.Jamwal et al., 2008). In this study, Mann-Kendall trend test and principal component analysis (PCA) have been applied to detect the trends of water quality data and to obtain the most significant parameters in order to trace the sources of pollutants. Mann-Kendall trend test is one of the most widely used non-parametric tests to detect significant trends in time series. It has the advantage that their power and significance are not affected by the actual distribution of the data (Hamed, 2009). Therefore it is more suitable for detecting trends in hydrological time series, which are usually skewed and contained the outliers. Mann-Kendall trend test has been widely used in assessing the variability on hydrological time series (Hamed, 2008). The examples of earlier studies which applied Mann-Kendall technique are trend study and assessment of surface water quality in the Ebro River (Bouza-Deano et al., 2008), hydrological trend analysis due to landuse changes at Langat River basin (Juahir et al., 2010), identification of hydrological trends at Canadian Rivers (Khaliq, 2009) and so on. Principal component analysis (PCA), one of the multivariate statistical techniques, is helps in reducing redundant parameters with minimum loss of original information (Helena et al., 2000). A better understanding of water quality can be achieved through the interpretation of complex water quality data matrices. Besides, it allows the identification of possible factors or sources that affect water systems and therefore a reliable management of water resources as well as swift solution to pollution problems can be found out (Vega et al., 1998; Wunderlin et al., 2001; Reghunath et al., 2002; Simeonova et al., 2003; Simeonov et al., 2004). In recent years, principal component analysis (PCA) has been applied in various aspect of field including environmental issues. It has been used to characterize and assess water quality data, and it is efficacious in verifying temporal and spatial variations caused by natural and anthropogenic factors (Helena et al., 2000; Singh et al., 2004, 2005). The examples of application of PCA in environmental issues are interpretation of ground water hydrographs (Winter et al., 2000), examination of spatial and temporal patterns of heavy metal contamination (Shine et al., 1995) identification of herbicide species related to hydrological conditions (Tauler et al., 2000) and so on. The aims of this study are to detect the trends of water quality data at Perlis River and determine the significant parameters that contributed to water pollution by using Mann-Kendall and principal component analysis techniques. A deeper understanding of the evolution in water quality from the year 2003 until year 2007 can be achieved via the Mann-Kendall trend test. Besides, by using the principal component analysis (PCA), the sources of pollutants can be traced and thus some mitigation measures can be carried out.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Socrates: the Question of Morality :: Philosophy, Philosophers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The question of morality came up when Socrates and Cephalus were having a conversation about money. Cephalus says someone who has led a bad life will have nightmares and a person who leads a good life will not have such dreams and will be happy. Cephalus says being true and giving things back is morality. Socrates gives an example were you can do something good by not gibing something back. His example was if you borrow a weapon from a friend, and he is sane at the time and at the time you should give it back your friend is insane then you shouldn’t give it back so you can protect him from doing harm which is also good. Cephalus agreed that Socrates was correct that this was doing something good so Socrates said if that is the case than the definition of morality isn’t to tell the truth and give back whatever one has borrowed. Polemarchus interjected saying that morality is to tell the truth and to give back whatever one has borrowed if you believe S imonides. Polemarchus says what Simonides was trying to say was friends owe friends good deeds not bad ones. Socrates responds by saying, what Simonides meant was we give back to people what is appropriate for them, or owed to them. Polemarchus said to be consistent with what I said earlier it has to be the art of giving benefit and harm to friends and enemies respectively. Socrates makes a point that morality only seems to be useful when something is not being used, for example when money needs to be saved.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Socrates asks if a moral person can harm anyone and Polemarchus agreed that a moral person could harm an evil man. What Socrates was trying to get at was well if this man was really moral why is he trying to harm anyone. Socrates goes on saying many things but one main point he made was as follows â€Å"It is not the job of a moral person to harm a friend or anyone else, it is the job of his opposite, an immoral person. Polemarchus agreed to this, which basically went against everything he said in the opening of this conversation. Socrates says that the claim that its right and moral to give back to people what they are owed, if this is taken to mean that a moral person owes harm to his enemies and help to his friends, turns out to be a claim no clever person would make.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Healthy Grief

Grief is an emotional suffering that someone is feeling when someone or something is taking away. (Wikipedia) Elizabeth Kubler-Ross introduced the five stages of grief based on patients facing terminal illness. These steps are typical, but everyone doesn’t go through each stage. You don’t go through the stages in order and they should know that it is normal. The mindset of the individual will depend on the severity of grief they may go through. Grief can last from days to years and the person isn’t aware of this. They may restart their grieving process on holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries or when a special day arrives.Some people take’s the loss as a remembrance, but others take it as sorrow because their loved ones are gone which I think makes a person to go through the grieving process again. Coping with loss has been called† a spiritual process that includes locating our loved ones in time, place and transporting our recreated experiences to the here and now† (Angell Dennis & Dumain, 1998) Kubler- Ross grief process in the book of Job when God let Satan afflict Job to prove Job’s loyal to him. God presented Job as a virtue. Kubler-Ross stages are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.Job’s family, cattle and property was taken away from him. When Job didn’t succumb to these tragedies â€Å"The HEALTHY GRIEF Lord gave and the Lord has taken away†. God let Satan afflict Job again, this time Satan afflicted Job’s health. He started to have sores on his entire body that was very painful. With this tragedy Job started to go through the Kubler-Ross grieving process. Job prays and stated he doesn’t know why this is happening to him and why is god persecuting him. Job friends blamed him for the suffering because he had sinned and god. Job started questioning and challenging god.Job became depressed because his condition was deteriorating. Job wanted someone to talk for him to relieve him of his suffering. Job’s grieving went back and forth with God. When God confronts God and cross examines him, Job realized that he had misconceptions regarding God’s ability. Job does believe in God and had to go through the suffering to understand how great God is. God restored all that he had taken from Job plus some. God gave him double for the trouble. Grief of the Chinese religion is different because they don’t talk about their grief to anyone because it is considered to be unhealthy.Touching the loved one’s body is a sign of goodwill. The eldest grandson has to deliver the message to the other family members of the passing loved one in person out of respect. They are not allowed to speak about the death or the funeral. The Eldest son is the only one that is able to mourn and this has to be done for 72 days and not allowed to wear red or get married for 6 months. The eldest son has to take responsibility of caring for the fami ly and has to mourn by crying out and solemn in front of people, which is expected of him.The son has to live close to the grave site for 3 years. In the Chinese culture if a person dies by suicide the family will not touch the body because it is considered bad luck. They burn paper as a sign of providing material goods for that person. They place the deceased name on the paper so that person will receive the items. The Chinese feels eternity is passed through the sons in their family. Joy and grief goes hand in hand when it pertains to a person’s loss. When people grieve, they go through the grief stages, but when they remember the good times about that person there is joy.Through my research Nancy Bern a sociology professor spoke with a gentleman named Tim and explained that grief is like if you had your heart ripped out, it will hurt and hurt a lot and it will scab over and the pain will feel less. But if you knock off the scab it will hurt as it did the first time. It wil l hurt on those special moments or milestones HEALTHY GRIEF , but we still love them even as we bring new milestones in our life. Gratefulness and joy can be found in grief. My research hasn’t changed my views on grief.I still feel that it is the mindset of the individual and the relationship that person had with their loved ones. When we (Baptist/Christians) we celebrate the person that has passed as a â€Å"homegoing†. We sing, dance, eat and reminisce the life of that person. We are not afraid to talk about that person. As I discussed previously, When my brother (39) passed in 2005 it was difficult at first, when we had his homegoing it accepted it because my brother was very ill at that time. I don’t know how I would feel if a loved one passes unexpectedly, but my family and I would celebrate it the same way.A popular song of the African American that is sung at most homegoings is Boys to Men â€Å"It so hard to say good bye to yesterday†, But it is s uch a fitting song for the occasion. My other brother (his twin) sang this song at his homegoing. It was hard to say goodbye because we were very close. There were 5 of us, 3 girls and 2 boys but my twin brothers and me and my twin sister were the closest. To this day we still talk and remember our brother Bookie (nickname) like he never passed and still with us. I don’t feel like it is grieving, it is remembering a good soul and an awesome, awesome brother. Healthy Grief Grief is an emotional suffering that someone is feeling when someone or something is taking away. (Wikipedia) Elizabeth Kubler-Ross introduced the five stages of grief based on patients facing terminal illness. These steps are typical, but everyone doesn’t go through each stage. You don’t go through the stages in order and they should know that it is normal. The mindset of the individual will depend on the severity of grief they may go through. Grief can last from days to years and the person isn’t aware of this. They may restart their grieving process on holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries or when a special day arrives.Some people take’s the loss as a remembrance, but others take it as sorrow because their loved ones are gone which I think makes a person to go through the grieving process again. Coping with loss has been called† a spiritual process that includes locating our loved ones in time, place and transporting our recreated experiences to the here and now† (Angell Dennis & Dumain, 1998) Kubler- Ross grief process in the book of Job when God let Satan afflict Job to prove Job’s loyal to him. God presented Job as a virtue. Kubler-Ross stages are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.Job’s family, cattle and property was taken away from him. When Job didn’t succumb to these tragedies â€Å"The HEALTHY GRIEF Lord gave and the Lord has taken away†. God let Satan afflict Job again, this time Satan afflicted Job’s health. He started to have sores on his entire body that was very painful. With this tragedy Job started to go through the Kubler-Ross grieving process. Job prays and stated he doesn’t know why this is happening to him and why is god persecuting him. Job friends blamed him for the suffering because he had sinned and god. Job started questioning and challenging god.Job became depressed because his condition was deteriorating. Job wanted someone to talk for him to relieve him of his suffering. Job’s grieving went back and forth with God. When God confronts God and cross examines him, Job realized that he had misconceptions regarding God’s ability. Job does believe in God and had to go through the suffering to understand how great God is. God restored all that he had taken from Job plus some. God gave him double for the trouble. Grief of the Chinese religion is different because they don’t talk about their grief to anyone because it is considered to be unhealthy.Touching the loved one’s body is a sign of goodwill. The eldest grandson has to deliver the message to the other family members of the passing loved one in person out of respect. They are not allowed to speak about the death or the funeral. The Eldest son is the only one that is able to mourn and this has to be done for 72 days and not allowed to wear red or get married for 6 months. The eldest son has to take responsibility of caring for the fami ly and has to mourn by crying out and solemn in front of people, which is expected of him.The son has to live close to the grave site for 3 years. In the Chinese culture if a person dies by suicide the family will not touch the body because it is considered bad luck. They burn paper as a sign of providing material goods for that person. They place the deceased name on the paper so that person will receive the items. The Chinese feels eternity is passed through the sons in their family. Joy and grief goes hand in hand when it pertains to a person’s loss. When people grieve, they go through the grief stages, but when they remember the good times about that person there is joy.Through my research Nancy Bern a sociology professor spoke with a gentleman named Tim and explained that grief is like if you had your heart ripped out, it will hurt and hurt a lot and it will scab over and the pain will feel less. But if you knock off the scab it will hurt as it did the first time. It wil l hurt on those special moments or milestones HEALTHY GRIEF , but we still love them even as we bring new milestones in our life. Gratefulness and joy can be found in grief. My research hasn’t changed my views on grief.I still feel that it is the mindset of the individual and the relationship that person had with their loved ones. When we (Baptist/Christians) we celebrate the person that has passed as a â€Å"homegoing†. We sing, dance, eat and reminisce the life of that person. We are not afraid to talk about that person. As I discussed previously, When my brother (39) passed in 2005 it was difficult at first, when we had his homegoing it accepted it because my brother was very ill at that time. I don’t know how I would feel if a loved one passes unexpectedly, but my family and I would celebrate it the same way.A popular song of the African American that is sung at most homegoings is Boys to Men â€Å"It so hard to say good bye to yesterday†, But it is s uch a fitting song for the occasion. My other brother (his twin) sang this song at his homegoing. It was hard to say goodbye because we were very close. There were 5 of us, 3 girls and 2 boys but my twin brothers and me and my twin sister were the closest. To this day we still talk and remember our brother Bookie (nickname) like he never passed and still with us. I don’t feel like it is grieving, it is remembering a good soul and an awesome, awesome brother.

Friday, November 8, 2019

aids and africa essays

aids and africa essays The following are facts cited in Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome by Gerald J. Stine. Worldwide, about 9,000 persons a day become HIV-infected. The majority of all HIV infections worldwide occur in people ages 15-24. Over 1 million people die of AIDS each year. The number of HIV-infections worldwide has tripled since 1990! It is estimated that there will be a 20% decline in population in East Africa by the year 2001 due to AIDS (Stine, 360). AIDS is the leading cause of deaths among adult men and the second leading cause of deaths among adult women in Africa (Bethel, 135). The first for women is pregnancy and abortion related. It is extremely difficult to judge the exact extent of AIDS in Africa, either geographically or in the population so rather than focusing on Western Africa alone, it is most feasible to acknowledge modes of transmission across the African continent as a whole (Bethel, 138). Also, we can assert that AIDS cases do not occur on the African continent in a uniform fashion but rather form an AIDS Belt in central, southern, and eastern Africa (Bethel, 138). First, by mentioning the fact that the Third World contains three fourths of the Earths population, and combining that fact with that of those worlds having an overall lesser knowledge upon transmission, prevention, and AIDS in general, it is not surprising that these countries populations are greatly impacted by mortality. Africa, with about 12% of the worlds population, is now reporting about 25% of the worlds AIDS cases. It is estimated to have over 65% of the total number of HIV-infected adults and 90% of the worlds HIV-infected children (Stine, 364). An astonishing fact that further allows the realistic comprehension of the diseases dominance in Africa is that 6,000 Africans become HIV-infected each day which is 250 persons per hour or four ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Tax Dollars Should Not Be Used For Private Schools

Tax Dollars Should Not Be Used For Private schools Should parents be allowed to choose their children’s schools? This is a question that goes much farther than simply just choosing schools. Do parents really have a choice? Some parents can afford to send their kids to a private religious school but some don’t have the funds to do this. Some say that the government should offer tuition vouchers so that the poor and minorities can have a choice. This seems to be a good idea but there are many debates in whether or not it is constitutional. In the following I will discuss why vouchers are a horrible idea. Vouchers are plans that allow tax dollars to be used for tuition at private schools, including religious schools. The government pays for each and every citizen in America to go to school. They pay for students to go to a public school within their area but sometimes the public schools in some areas are not very good such as the inner city schools. The idea of vouchers would allow poor students to have the chance to go to a better school and rise out of poverty. Some of the questions that are being asked are will they actually help the low class or will they only help the more advantaged students? Another question is if vouchers are constitutional or not, and have there been any experiments with vouchers yet. Right now there are two programs providing public dollars to pay tuition for low-income students to attend private schools, in Milwaukee and Cleveland. Both include religious schools. These are considered to be experimental programs. These programs have been looked at and the problem so far that seems to be the most apparent is the fact that vouchers may just benefit the more advantaged. According to the Ohio official state evaluation (Metcalf 1998): â€Å"Scholarship students who accepted a scholarship to move from the Cleveland public schools to a private school were achieving at higher levels of achievement tha... Free Essays on Tax Dollars Should Not Be Used For Private Schools Free Essays on Tax Dollars Should Not Be Used For Private Schools Tax Dollars Should Not Be Used For Private schools Should parents be allowed to choose their children’s schools? This is a question that goes much farther than simply just choosing schools. Do parents really have a choice? Some parents can afford to send their kids to a private religious school but some don’t have the funds to do this. Some say that the government should offer tuition vouchers so that the poor and minorities can have a choice. This seems to be a good idea but there are many debates in whether or not it is constitutional. In the following I will discuss why vouchers are a horrible idea. Vouchers are plans that allow tax dollars to be used for tuition at private schools, including religious schools. The government pays for each and every citizen in America to go to school. They pay for students to go to a public school within their area but sometimes the public schools in some areas are not very good such as the inner city schools. The idea of vouchers would allow poor students to have the chance to go to a better school and rise out of poverty. Some of the questions that are being asked are will they actually help the low class or will they only help the more advantaged students? Another question is if vouchers are constitutional or not, and have there been any experiments with vouchers yet. Right now there are two programs providing public dollars to pay tuition for low-income students to attend private schools, in Milwaukee and Cleveland. Both include religious schools. These are considered to be experimental programs. These programs have been looked at and the problem so far that seems to be the most apparent is the fact that vouchers may just benefit the more advantaged. According to the Ohio official state evaluation (Metcalf 1998): â€Å"Scholarship students who accepted a scholarship to move from the Cleveland public schools to a private school were achieving at higher levels of achievement tha...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Which country has the prettiest women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Which country has the prettiest women - Essay Example Beauty is not only pleasure to the senses; beauty is being nice on the inside and reciprocating the same to the outside. Someone may look physically appealing, but be cold hearted and insecure on the inside. Latin American, Argentina, provides a variety of pretty women by records. These women are generally friendly to the rest of the world and several areas in these regions are safe (Gill et al., 2010). Argentinians are widely spread across the world and their large population makes them accessible to the whole world. The Argentine women are very kind and passionate, always contented and are never looking for a visa to relocate to other countries. Latinas have excelled in various fields ranging from physical beauty to sports and even in the business arena. Some people argue that Latinas from some particular countries are more superior than others (Freeman, 2012). The South American vast population and size and its per capita income make it a suitable country, which boasts of having t he prettiest Latin women. Comparably, the Argentinian women have a fairer and lighter look than most women from other countries like the Guatemala, who have a more indigenous look. The Argentinians are very special and their Latin genes produce a most beautiful, sensual and exciting women. Argentinian women are mostly simple light skinned ladies who just want men who will love her, be devoted to her, a man who she can give back her love and that person who will respect her. She doesn’t want a person who will see several women besides her. Moreover, their families are complete and well built, while the population becomes passionate about numerous issues. In fact, these people are regarded to as the descendants of Mayans, The Aztecs, The Incas, and royal Castilian Spanish, and are known to rejoice and spend their time strengthening their relationship. There are virtues that bind the Latina to a perception of the happiness associated with being a woman and feminine grooming. In fact, this happiness is associated with the desire of nurturing the family and offering the husband a home full of comfort. Therefore, women tend to focus on the needs and things that lead to comfort of their family. Nevertheless, there is no application of western values in South America; in fact, their virtues are not comparable to these values. Therefore, to a Latina woman, men virtues are considered vital, while in North American, male are focused on the comfort and appreciation of a woman, which can be regarded as a value (McCloskey, 2011). In this case, Latin women seem to have a different approach of life. Furthermore, they have prioritized their family, friends and work; in fact, they do not prioritize money and possession. The quality of time spent with their family, children and friends is a great importance to them than anything else in their lives. In addition, Latin women have a fanatical desire to their beauty, whereby they focus on their figures and like feminine dres sing. A typical Argentinian loves her family, her way of life and has good friends and cannot be easily swayed to move into another country to marry someone who will not love her and respect her. These pretty women can only relocate if they get into a meaningful relationship with a caring husband, who also loves her in equal measure. She is a flexible woman who will adapt to the new environment very first; hence, she will not disturb her husband with issues of culture disparity and loneliness emerging from missing her people. Once she is married, her children and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Forensic Psychologist Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Forensic Psychologist - Research Paper Example e a career and education path, I knew that my set of academic skills and personal interests placed me on a clear course to become a forensic psychologist. This essay examines why I would like to become a forensic psychologist and the necessary steps that must be taken to pursue this career path, with particular consideration for forensic psychologists in the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). There are many reasons I would like to become a forensic psychologist. As articulated above, my particular interest in solving crimes greatly inspired my research into the field. Still, there are many other reasons this profession appeals to me. Perhaps the most pervasive reason is that becoming a forensic psychologist allows me to contribute to society in a positive and pro-active way. I believe that one of the important aspects of life is living a meaningful existence. While meaning has different connotations for different people, to me it means that I follow a morally sound path that helps others. In becoming a forensic psychologist I would be able to satisfy these elements and help bring justice to people who have been wronged. In addition to this aspect, the career of forensic psychology has considerable intellectual interest for me. Forensic psychologists, â€Å"work for both the Public Defender and the State Attorney and are oftentimes called upon to investigate critical psy chological issues within the court proceedings† (Adler, p. 4). Such investigations oftentimes involve interviewing and developing psychological assessments for a variety of criminals. In these regards, I am very interested in the motivations of individuals that choose to commit crimes. I believe that it would be intellectually satisfying to be able to delve into the minds of these criminals and gain a chance to investigate such abnormal psychological functions. The forensic psychologist profession involves a number of functions. As noted, the forensic psychologist works for Public Defenders,

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Porter's Five Forces Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Porter's Five Forces Model - Essay Example It is needed to discuss to what extent that Porter's model of national competitive advantage adequately accounts for variations in national business systems and comparative economic performance. Porter's theoretical postulates on national competitive advantage have been critically examined by many authors. Egan (1995) suggests that Porter's focus on a specific country's success in international trade in one particular industry is of importance due to the fact that there is the untiring accent of the often superior model that the customer comes first. This paper examines Porter's emphasis on the four determinants (the Diamond) of the national competitive advantage (Porter, 1990). Porter's arguments on factor conditions go to the other extreme as well. He proposes that lack of resources would not act as a barrier to development, Eg. Switzerland, Singapore like countries. His demanding conditions are equally loaded with such positivity as a complicated domestic market and its implications in guaranteeing a competitive edge in international markets to the country concerned. Eg. wine industry of France. His related and supporting industries argument parenthetically emphasizes the technology-related benefits (Rao, & Holt, 2005). The spill-over effects of main industries lead to the creation of supporting industries and next the cyclical effect goes on and on to bring about a very positive outcome in competitive advantage, Eg. Italy's leather shoe industry. Finally his firm strategy, structure and rivalry related posture focuses on capital markets, individuals' career choices, management structures and strategic competitive environment in domestic markets. AnalysisOutline of Porter's Diamond of national competitiveness Competitive advantage in international trade is defined as "the nation's capacity to entice firms (both local and foreign) to use the country as a platform from which to conduct business" (Paulson, & Wilber, 2002). The sectoral strength /weakness analysis of a nation's economy to determine competitive advantage in international trade by Porter is a revolutionary idea which gathered some more drive during the post 1998 period. Whereas many economists have doubted the efficacy of Porter's conceptual framework of the "diamond of national competitiveness" basically owing to its many shortcomings in structural consistency, others agree that its theoretical underpinnings have stronger relevance to modern international trade context. Factor conditions, as Porter defined them, not only refer to mere physical resources such as land, labor and capital but also to some key or specialized factors which are being continuously created as against being inherited (Murmann, 2003). For example the firm continuously innovates and produces a specialized set of resources such as capital, skilled labor and infrastructure. After all such specialized resources cannot be copied by rivals - the resource-based view of the firm and leadership.Porter also discusses non-key or non-specialized resources such as unskilled labor. According to him they fail to create a permanent competitive advantage because they are not endowed with those difficult-to-duplicate characteristics that are inherent in specialized

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Reliability of Online Media in the Realm of Politics Essay Example for Free

The Reliability of Online Media in the Realm of Politics Essay The advent of the World Wide Web has shifted the impact of the meaning of media and reliability. From major newspapers abandoning their print outlets to the latest up to the second news on somebody’s blog, the internet has changed the way people consume the news. The political landscape has seen some of the most significant changes and is a key example of how the reliability of the online world has come under questioning following the latest elections and news. Politicians have always relied on the media to disseminate their messages. In our digital age, the traditional forums of print media, radio, and television have become integrated into an online multimedia platform. According to a 2004 Pew survey, over 50 million Americans went online for election news everyday during the Presidential election (Nogourney). It is now common practice for politicians to have their own website and a social networking page on such sites as MySpace and Facebook or to publish Podcasts and YouTube videos in order to gain exposure and to further control their messages by excluding the intermediary forces of journalists. In a New York Times article, journalist Adam Nogourney wrote of the shifting trends of politicians as regards the new utilization of online media, â€Å"The Internet appears to be far more efficient, and less costly, than the traditional tools of politics, notably door knocking and telephone banks (Nogourney). The internet has also provided an forum for constant updates and information sharing that allows candidates and the public to analyze, comment, and react to the latest news from the campaign trail. That being said, there has been an increasing debate about the reliability of candidate news and information in an era of fierce competition and rampant misinformation efforts by political party ideologues and the unverified accounts of millions of bloggers that have free reign to publish their opinions without regard to journalistic ethics. In a 2007 article concerning the role of media in politics, Associated Content wrote an editorial speaking of this impact, â€Å"The media also influences the publics perception on the viability of a candidate. If reports say a certain candidate is ahead in an election, the public will come to accept that evaluation, which can greatly influence how voters cast their ballots (Influence). In this way, political polls and published statistics and trends have a greater access to a viral online community and this can significantly impact the public perception of the campaign. The role of the online media is only going to grow as traditional forums become further integrated into the online dialogue. As has always been the case in the media, questions concerning the reliability of information will continue to be asked. Outside from party ideologues and ulterior motivated bloggers, the information presented online parallels that of traditional media in terms of reliability, it’s just that now individuals have more choice as to how they consume their news and information. Works Cited The Influence of the Media in Politics, Campaigns, and Elections. (2007). Associated Content. Retrieved 27 March 2009, from http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/443975/the_influence_of_the_media_in_politics_pg7. html Nogourney, Adam. (2006). Politics Faces Sweeping Change via the Web. The New York Times. Retrieved 27 March 2009, from http://www. nytimes. com/2006/04/02/washington/02campaign. html

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Rome Essay -- History, Architecture

Early Rome was an architecturally diverse place. For the first centuries after its founding all the people of Rome lived in very simple huts devoid of any significant meaning. But during the rule under the Etruscans, they learned how to build more complex structures with specific purposes such as a sacred place where a god can be thought to dwell. Etruscan buildings cannot be seen though without Greek architectures’ indelible mark. Through the Etruscans, Rome learned how to build huge and complex structures where before that knowledge did not exist. This period of Roman architecture can be defined along with Rome’s governmental development. Republican Rome began in 509 B.C. and with it entered the beginning of Rome’s architectural greatness. â€Å"With the expulsion of the Etruscan kings Rome was free to shape her own destinies† (Sear 14). Since Rome was not restrained because of its conquerors it was free to create whatever they wished, however they wanted. While there was still a heavy Greek influence, a style developed that was distinctly Roman, but as Rome conquered nations across the Mediterranean Sea it absorbed their styles of building and it was shown in the buildings of their capital. Imperial Rome saw the highest and lowest point in Rome’s history. But during this time an enormous number of innovative and massive structures were built that defined Rome as the dominant power in the ancient world. During this time Rome reworked its earlier principles to be used in the government and religious buildings. Cement also played an important role in the ability to construct complex domes and ornate arches. Another major change that occurred was the extensive use of marble in construction, unlike earlier brick buildings.... ...ed the small farming village on the banks of the Tiber into a thriving city. Throughout the Republic of Rome, advances were made in complexity and design alongside the introductions to new cultures during Rome’s conquests. These conquests gave Rome the wealth and inspiration needed to create its massive buildings. All through the Empire, magnificent and colossal buildings were built which reflected the height of Roman power and wealth. â€Å"It is said of Augustus that he found Rome a city built of bricks but left it a city built of marble† (Clayton 22). This is very true of how Rome was rebuilt during its time as an empire and the dominant power in the world. From beginning to end, the Roman concept of architecture was based on shaping matter around space, and this only changed in complexity and in meaning, but never changed the foundation upon which it was built.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Philosophy of Art Essay

Introduction This paper attempts to establish what practitioners of philosophy can learn from practitioners of Art. In doing so, the paper first looks into art and philosophy so as to offer a clear understanding of the subjects, before turning into the main theme. What is Art?   Ã‚  Ã‚   Even though the above question appears simple, it is interesting and can, and is answered by reverting to the philosophy of art. In addition, art embraces descriptions of beauty, taste, symbolism as well as representation. Philosophy of art also explores the association existing between the individual artist (ideas), and the bigger congregation (audiences, culture, and universe) (Carroll N, 1998). That being the case, what does philosophy of art tell us about art? Some versions assert that art is a creative activity, expression or process of humans. According to Leo Tolstoy ‘Art is that human activity which consists in one human consciously conveying to others, by certain external signs, the feelings he has experienced and in others being affected by those feelings and also experiencing them.’ (Carroll N, 1998). On the other hand, when something is done perfectly or acquainted by study and practice; it is referred to as an art (Carroll N, 1998). For instance, driving a car, dressing in a nice dress, laying a child to sleep or even the art of conversion. In essence, art includes objects developed by humans that have aesthetic value or present symbolic meaning encompassing drawings, paintings as well as sculpture. Thus from the above observations, art can be said to be a symbolic representation of peoples association with nature (reality/environments). It is able to offer the concealed relations between things. It is beauty, it is truth. However, what does truth and beauty imply? This is where philosophy comes in as philosophy is the art of establishing the truth such that this truth is applied to life. In the same manner, art can be based on established truth that express the wonder and beauty of a relationship to the universe as it is acknowledged in the works of Marcel Proust and Henry Mattisse (Diffey T, 1995). ‘Art is a selective recreation of reality according to an artist’s metaphysical value judgments. An artist recreates those aspects of reality which represent his fundamental view of man’s natures.’   Ã‚  (Marcell Proust)( Diffey T, 1995), while Henry Mattisse writes ‘when we speak of nature, it is wrong to forget that we are ourselves a part of nature. We ought to view ourselves with the same curiosity and openness with which we study a tree, the sky or a thought because we too are linked to the entire universe (Diffey T, 1995).’ The different forms of art are visual arts which involve aspects such as painting, photography and sculpture among others, and fine arts which embrace music, dance, theatre, literature, poetry, etc. What is philosophy? As William Thomas points out, ‘Philosophy studies the fundamental nature of existence of man and man’s relationship to existence†¦in the realm of cognition, the special sciences are the trees but philosophy is the soil which makes the forest possible’ (Bender J, 1993). A philosophy is an all inclusive organization of ideas concerning human nature as well as the nature of the truth we live in. it is a guide of living since the subjects it deals with are crucial and enveloping, establishing the course we take in life and how we treat other people. Among the most important field that philosopher’s deal with fall into a number of separate fields. Among them, the most imperatives ones are; metaphysics which deals with the theory of reality, epistemology that connotes the theory of knowledge, ethics which is theory of moral values, politics which is theory of legal rights and government and aesthetics which refers to theory of nature of art (Carroll N, 1998). The vehicle for philosophical guidance is religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism as well as Islam. Religions vary from philosophers not in the issues they deal with but in the ways they employ to address them. Religions are based on mythic stories that existed earlier before discovery of unequivocally cogent methods of inquiry (Bender J, 1993). The present day religion (majority of) appeal to mystical faith as well as revelation sort of belief that claim legitimacy independent of logic, and the scientific method, at least made for the biggest subjects. However, majority of religions are in their commencement pre-rational as opposed to anti-rational, a story teller’s account of philosophic issues as opposed to scientists (Bender J, 1993). Philosophy in Greek connotes ‘love of wisdom’. Philosophy is founded on rational arguments and appeal to facts (Bender J, 1993). Modern science history began with philosophical enquiries and the scientific method of research and proof is an aspect of the general approach that a philosopher attempts to bring to a question; one that is coherent and vigorous. Philosophy is known to offer deep and wide questions presently. Dealing with the issues in each branch of philosophy calls for integration of everything one knows concerning reality (metaphysics) or humanity (epistemology, ethics, politics and aesthetics) recommending reasonable inclination in philosophy therefore is not a simple job. Frankly, philosophers more often than not disagree about principle subject; some slipping their own positions in the mix as well (Diffey T, 1995). Thus, there is no particular philosophy world wide as is the case with physics, chemistry among other disciplines.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Having clearly distinguished the two disciplines, then we can embark on the issue of what a philosopher can learn from an artist. This calls us to explore the subfield of philosophy. It relates to nature of art, in addition to performing of arts as well as painting, sculpture and literature (Diffey T, 1995). Major concerns in aesthetic comprise of how artistic creations should be construed as well as assessed and how the arts are linked to one another, to natural beauty, morality, religious science as well as other crucial aspects of human life. The association between art and epistemology has been everlastingly tenuous and burdened with a lot of arguments (Diffey T, 1995). It is acknowledged that there is something meaningful from experiences as well as interactions with works of arts. However, it is not considered as obvious that whether or not the experiences one has with art can produce propositional understanding that is represented by true vindicated belief (Diffey T, 1995).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Whereas engaging objects aesthetically is both insightness and emotionally burdening practice, it is also essentially cognitive. Therefore, it can be said that aesthetic engagement is based on various epistemological concerns (Carroll N, 1998). For instance, philosophers claim to know about art. People say that they believed the play was good or bad, but the emotions it produced were called for, justified, manipulative or suitable. In most cases, people allege that they learn from art, that art alters their view of the world and that art has influence on the way they view as well as make sense of the world (Carroll N, 1998).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It also widely acknowledged that works of arts particularly good works of art, can cause view points about the world and can in turn offer knowledge concerning the world (Carroll N, 1998). However, what can exactly be known about art? Does art have any sort of propositional content that resembles the context that philosophers claim to require for other sort of knowledge claim?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The subject of whether philosophers have something to learn from artists revolves back to the period of Plato. Plato warned about the perils of making a fuss of mimetic as well as narrative demonstrations of the world and human actions. A practitioner of philosophy by his engagement with art permits certain emotions or activities that are able to facilitate or produce knowledge. It should be acknowledged that some aspects of art work that are able to produce greater understanding of the surrounding world (Carroll N, 1998).   In this case, art becomes a source of insight as well as awareness, even though it cannot be put into propositional language.   It can help people (philosophy practitioners) see the world in a new or different way (Carroll N, 1998).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They are often those who view art as being incapable of offering knowledge primarily because it does not generate any truth; they argue that since art cannot offer facts or produce arguments then there is nothing to learn from it (Diffey T, 1995).   They further argue that art cannot be acknowledged as a source of knowledge as it is not productive of knowledge, construed in the convectional sense of vindictive true belief. They assert that art is devoid of propositional content capable of being learnt the conventional way, whereas it has influences that promote knowledge and that can promote or weaken the development of understanding. Thus the net effect is to reject art as a source of knowledge as it does not offer true beliefs and furthermore because it does not as well as cannot vindicate the views that it does express (Diffey T, 1995).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, those who are for and those against concur that art is a source of knowledge, the only way that it can probably satisfy such a function be it that knowledge neglected something crucial to art’s nature as well as value (Diffey T, 1995). Plato articulates that it is possible for an artist to make a representation of a thing without having advance knowledge of his presentation.   For instance, painters represent cobblers when the painters have no idea how to make shoes, and poets write about virtue such as beauty and courage without any clear knowledge of these attributes (Carroll N, 1998). To Plato, it is only philosophers and moreover, those who struggle to intuit (feel) the forms and employ abstract reasoning are able to have know-how of these virtues.   To him, the same things exist even for the literary arts in particular.   He asserts that the more one engages in emotions brought about by representations, the more likely one is to suffer the influences of an unstable soul and finally the growth of bad attitude (Carroll N, 1998). Aristotle seems to have agreed with Plato that art influences the development of one’s moral character.   These two philosophers believed that people learn from art, however, Plato argued that the gained knowledge was harmful while Aristotle argued that it was beneficial (Carroll N, 1998). Going back to the period of renaissance and beyond it should be noted that the works of art such as poetry and fiction engages the emotions of a philosopher in a healthy way rather as opposed to detrimental manner (Bender J, 1993).   Some philosophers point out that there are there crucial types of knowledge claims that can be made concerning arts which are distinguished by objects. The first is what philosophers claim to know or believe concerning the art object itself and anything unreal or fictional worlds might be linked to that object. The second aspect of knowledge claim about art relates to what is known or believed to be appropriate emotional reaction to the art work. It is crucial to note at this point that works of art are correct, understood through having a certain kind of emotional response to them (Bender J, 1993). The only problem encountered in this course is that it is not possible to establish the kind of response that is appropriate in relation to a particular work of art (Bender J, 1993). The last kind of knowledge claim that is available as far as art is concerned relates to the nature of information art can offer about the whole world (Bender J, 1993). It is important to note that art affords imperative insight into the way philosophers order and understand the world. Art gives a certain degree of meaning to the lives of philosophers. Art, particularly literature, draws out novel views (beliefs) as well as new knowledge concerning the world (Bender J, 1993). Conclusion From the above, it is noteworthy that philosophy practitioners have a lot to learn from practitioners of art. It is important to acknowledge what constitutes knowledge so as to be able to understand how art impacts the subject. Reference Bender, John (1993).   â€Å"Art as a Source of Knowledge: Linking Analytic Aesthetics and Epistemology.† In Contemporary Philosophy of Art, ed. John Bender and Gene Blocker. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Carroll, Noel (1998). â€Å"Art, Narrative, and Moral Understanding.† In Aesthetics and Ethics: Essays at the Intersection, ed. Jerrold Levinson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Diffey, T .J (1995): â€Å"What Can We Learn From Art?† Australasian Journal of Philosophy 73 202-11.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Evolution Lab

Associate Level Material Appendix O EvolutionLab Report |Ful | | |Date | | Use this document to report your findings from the EvolutionLab Exploration Experiment. The lab report consists of three sections: Data, Exploration, and Lab Summary. Data: copy any data, graphs, charts, or notes that you have saved in your EvolutionLab online notebook into this section. Exploration: Answer the questions.The questions in the Exploration section are the same questions in your EvolutionLab instructions. Lab Summary: Write a 100- to 200-word summary. Data To copy your data from your online notebook into this section, click on Export Graph and then copy and paste your data into this section. You must disable your pop-up blocker before exporting. Identify each set of data with a title. Exploration Answer the following questions in fewer than 100 words: Activity 1: Modes of Natural Selection What type of selection is taking place on Wallace Island? Explain.Directional Selection is taking place. Th e beak size is increasing on Wallace Island from 11. 85 to 19. 13, and the population is increasing as well. This is because there are more seeds available that the birds can eat. What type of selection is taking place on Darwin Island? Explain. Directional selection is taking place. The beak size increases slowly, from 12. 47 to 26. 95. The population decreased because of the lack of seeds available for the birds to eat. Explain the reason for any differences in population numbers between the two islands.The population increased on Wallace island because there were more seeds for the birds to eat, meaning there was more of a chance for them to survive and reproduce. The population decreased on Darwin island because there were no seeds for the birds to eat and without an abundant food supply they can not reproduce. Activity 2: Extinction Develop a hypothesis to predict what conditions would lead to extinction of a finch population. If there was no participation on a small island the Finch would become extinct.Which of the parameters is most important in determining whether a population goes extinct? Variance is most important What are at least two different sets of conditions that may lead to extinction? Small Island, no precipitation Small Island, No variance Summarize the steps you took to complete the experiment you designed. I set the parameters on precipitation to 0, and the island size to . 3km. I then ran the experiment for 300 years. Summarize the result of the experiment you designed. The Finch was extinct by 2033.The beak size stayed the same until extinction. Lab Summary Address the following points in a 100-to 200-word summary: Summarize the general principles and purpose of the lab. This lab is designed to help understand how precipitation, variance, and area have a role in the evolution of a species, in this case, Finches. It also explains the different types of selection. Explain how this lab helped you better understand the topics and concepts addressed this week. This lab really helped explain the concept of evolution.Not only did it cover population grown/ decrease but it also covered the changes that animals go through to adapt to their ever changing environments. Describe what you found challenging about this lab. I did not really find anything challenging about this lab. The information was very easy to understand and the set up was easy to work with after completing previous labs. Describe what you found interesting about this lab. I found it interesting to see how one parameter can have such a large effect on a species, even over a relatively small (300 year) amount of time. Evolution Lab Evolution Lab The finches on Darwin and Wallace Islands feed on seeds produced by plants growing on these islands. There are three categories of seeds: soft seeds, produced by plants that do well under wet conditions; seeds that are intermediate in hardness, produced by plants that do best under moderate precipitation; and hard seeds, produced by plants that dominate in drought conditions.The lab is based on a model for the evolution of quantitative traits-characteristics of an individual that are controlled by large numbers of genes. These traits are studied by looking at the statistical distribution of the trait in populations and investigating how the distribution changes from one generation to the next. For the finches in Evolution Lab, the depth of the beak is the quantitative trait. I investigated how this trait changes under different biological and environmental conditions.I manipulated various biological parameters (initial mean beak size, heritability of beak size, variatio n in beak size, fitness, and clutch size) and one environmental parameter (precipitation) of the system, and observed changes in the distributions of beak size and population numbers over time. Assignment 2: The Influence of Precipitation on Beak Size and Population Number The first experiment is designed to study the influence of beak size on finch population numbers. For finches, deep beaks are strong beaks, ideally suited for cracking hard seeds, and shallow beaks are better suited for cracking soft seeds.I experimented first with the finches’ adaptation and evolution of their population over 300 years, and changed the Wallace birds beak size to 28mm, and Darwin’s birds stayed at the default of 12mm. I hypothesize a since there are more hard seeds (64%) on the islands than soft seeds (4%). The birds with the smaller beak (Darwin) will not be able to get enough food which may cause some of the birds to die, resulting in a decrease in the smaller beak bird’s po pulation and an increase in the larger beak (Wallace) birds population because of the larger beak size better able to eat hard seeds.Darwin: Red Wallace: Blue I observed that the Darwin birds (smaller beak) actually grew up to about 25mm, as well as the Darwin bird’s population grew over time. The Wallace bird’s beak stayed the same as well as the population stayed steady but grew. The data actually refutes my hypothesis because I didn’t expect the smaller beak sized birds to grow to adapt to the seeds, I expected them to die off. This next experiment is designed to explore the effect of precipitation on finch beak size and population numbers.The experiment was to see how a decrease in precipitation on Darwin Island might affect beak size and how a decrease in precipitation might influence population numbers for these finches over time. I hypothesize a decrease in rain will produce more hard seeds because the hard seeds favor drought conditions, while the other seeds will not increase. And the decrease in rain may only slightly cause the finch population to decrease at first, but then will increase and stay steady as the birds have time to adapt to the drought conditions and their beaks will evolve.I observed that the beak sized for Darwin’s birds supported my hypothesis in that the birds beak sized increased with time. And the population did what I thought too, in that it decreased at first and then increased steadily. I then ran another experiment for 200 and 300 years separately. I observed that the 200 years population and beaks did about the same as the 100 year experiment. Which still confirm my hypothesis. But the 300 years, the bird’s populations and beaks sizes on both islands increased, but that the Darwin birds eventually passed Wallace’s birds in population and beak sized.I then performed the same experiment for both Wallace Island and Darwin Island simultaneously. I noticed that the 100 and 200 years beak size and population both increased and, but Darwin’s birds were still behind Wallace island birds. But then at the 300 year both beaks and populations were almost the same increase. My hypothesis on how an increase in precipitation on Darwin will influence beak size is that the beak sizes should become smaller and more shallow because the increase in rain will make softer seeds and smaller, shallow beaks are better for soft seeds. And the bird’s population will increase..I observed just what I hypothesized – the beaks grew smaller and their populations grew huge. When I reran the experiment I observed that Wallace island birds also followed the similar growth for beaks and population as the Darwin birds. When I ran the experiment by increasing precipitation on Wallace Island to 50 cm/year and increasing beak size to 28 mm, for 300 years, I observed the beak sized actually decreased slightly and the population stayed steady and in line with the Darwin birds. Next experiment I decreased beak size on both of the islands to an intermediate value. I decreased rainfall on one island to a value close to zero.On the other island, I increase rainfall close to the maximum value and ran the experiment for 300 years. I observed different effects on each island. On the Darwin island with a medium beak size and almost no rain had increase in beak size and population. The Wallace birds with a medium beak size and lots of rain had a decrease in beak size and a steady increase in population. Assignment 4: Effect of Island Size My hypothesis for what effect an increase in island size will have on beak size and finch populations is that the beak size will have an increase and population will increase.I began my experiment by leaving all other parameters at their default values. Then changed the island size of Darwin to the highest it could go to 1km. The beak sized increased as predicted and so did the population increased. When I decreased island size, the beak size grew and the population dropped off first in the beginning but then increased with time. Based on previous experiments if I decrease the clutch size the birds populations will decrease a great deal. Also if I decrease the heritability parameter, and decrease clutch size the populations decrease – which looked like to the point of extinction.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chicanos in music essays

Chicanos in music essays Chicanos have come a long way in this industry as well as other ethnic groups. Chicanos do not just come out with the all time favorite music such as corridos, regional mexicano, or banda. Now a days Chicanos are coming out with Chicano Rap, Regional Urbano, Reggeton. Regional Urbano is some what like Regional Urbano, but the only difference is that in Regional Urbano is rapping in Spanish with a Spanish beat background. Reggeton is some what like reggae but its with Chicanos. That kind music is also mixed with rap beats as well as Spanish beats. A lot of the rappers do not just rap about killing someone or about money but some rap about how it has been growing up in the world being a Chicano(a). They also rap about how hard they saw it when going to school and how hard they had it when they would drop out of school. They send out positive messages about staying in school. Chicanos are coming out with different movements besides the ones we already know. The main one you hear about in the mainstream is Latin Pop, but now Chicanos name it Movimiento Chicano. The Movimiento Chicano is not the same as Latin Pop they are two different types of music. Not like Ricky Martin, J Lo, and many others that went from Spanish to English Chicanos are doing the opposite. Chicanos are not just going from English to Spanish but they are also doing music in both the languages which turns out to be Spanglish. Some Chicanos such as Jae-P, Azteka, Lil Rob, Mr. Capone-e and many others that are bring Chicano Rap and Regional Urbano out to the public. They relate themselves to us and how it is to grow up as a Chicano. Most of the Chicanos grew up in the streets and know how it its to live out there in the streets. They want to let everyone know what it is like to live in the streets getting involved in gangs and other things that go on when living in the streets. I know some rappers that come from South Central LA, Watts, San Dieg...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Gender roles in the Wind in the Willows

Gender roles in the Wind in the Willows The ‘Wind in the Willows’ is a novel that was published by Kenneth Grahame in 1908. This novel arouses magic and adventure feelings as well as feelings of reflection. Information in this book widens the people’s understanding of the world they are living in.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Gender roles in the Wind in the Willows specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They are also able to comprehend the complicated interactions found between people. The book has information on social classes and the reasons why it is necessary to have friendship in the society (Lerer 60). Moreover, the author says that if pride is allowed in any society, then friendship can be completely destroyed. Kenneth Graham did not use human characters in his novel; instead he used animals like a toad, rat and a mole. He did so because he wanted to avoid sex problems. He suggested that his novel did not have any problem since it d id not have any sex clash. In addition to that, he said that his aim was to avoid sex as well as gender issues in his novel. However, to some extent, he did not make it in avoiding sex issues since the text debatably has misogynistic implications. For instance, in the case where both the mole and the rat make comments to the toad that are full of women critics. The toad is criticized by the rat for being ‘flung into the water- by a woman too’ (Grahame 111). A suggestion is also made by the mole to the toad indicating that locking himself in the bedroom is better than spending time in the hospital ‘being ordered about by female nurses’ (Grahame, 112). Besides, in a conversation between the toad and Barge woman some names such as little hussies or idle trollops are used represent women since they are not recognized. This shows that Grahame’s claim on the text having no problems was wrong. Probably, he was ignorant of the women-hatred implications in hi s novel or he wrote from the viewpoint of ‘a male who finds women inconsequential’ (Marshall 58). ‘The putative maleness of all the animal characters nullified by their singularity and by the lack of female characters, and so the four main characters are, in effect, genderless or androgynous’ (Peter, Hunt 104). They argue that females must be included to bring out the character of ‘maleness’. In his book, Graham sidelined females because he fitted their traditional caring functions to the male characters.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More He also used the characters to show how women are weak and the way they are neglected in some societies. In the novel, women do not have their rights and follow what they are told. This is shown by the mole who follows what he is told by the toad without having a second thought. The rat is also weak and full of frustrations as well as worries. He is never excited like the toad who belongs to a higher class since he is a male. According to Marshal, Graham’s aim was to attach and associate children with animals. Despite trying to stay away from sex clash in his novel, traits of female hatred are clearly seen. From her analysis on feminism, Marshall calls for a better way of discussing gender. She wonders how Grahame’s novel was free from gender clash and thought of how innocent the novel could be (Marshal 65). Walsh on the other hand criticizes Graham’s novel because he claimed that it lacked gender clash. She says that the novel discriminates women through misogynistic implications. He continues to argue that if Graham considered gender balance, then he could have included some females in the novel and make them occupy some of the higher positions. He also used males to represent female characters (Walsh 163). Lerer Seth in her journal of Aesthetic edu cation says that in the ‘wind in the willows’, friendship, temptation, perseverance as well as self understanding shape the qualities of the characters. She argues that the qualities depend on the style and the unique characters that are found in the individual. The whole progression and elements such as drama and emotion are described by the style. For instance from the novel, style rules every creature like the mole which is seen to be very quit while the toad is manic. Style also determines the narrative’s progress in the whole book. In Lerer’s article, domestic aesthetic in the novel is discussed. She continues to insist that all the characteristics in the novel symbolize a clear viewpoint on childhood innocence. In Lerer’s opinion on Graham’s work ‘male dominance can be outlined through individual characters and their unique characters displayed’ (Lerer 61) In the novel, Graham reminds people that there were times when worki ng classes were separated from the elites and everybody knew his or her place in the society depending on the social classes. Toad belongs to the upper class and owns the land.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Gender roles in the Wind in the Willows specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He is also above the law and feels that no punishment should be given to him. He is also a thief and fights the police after being caught stealing. This is because he is a man thus feeling more superior that the weaker sex, that is, the females. The novel shapes the views of the readers, especially the children, by getting the meaning of what the author has written. It shows that the non human characters were all males thus showing gender imbalance. The author could have included female characters because children especially girls enjoy reading such novels since they are able to get female role models. Many of the common story books for ch ildren, apart from this novel, represent gender imbalances thus making the female child feel degraded. For instance in the ‘Wind in the Willows’ novel all the characters that were used by Grahame were all males. In some novels there are female characters but they do not take any active role. The novel has a lot of exaggeration among the characters so that the reader’s imagination can be stimulated. The reader tries to imagine the various facial expressions, personalities as well as different body languages. Exaggeration enables the reader to know the character’s nature through imagination. The reader can involve effectively with the characters portrayed by the animals since they are traits of human beings and be able to associate them with his or her life. For instance, those people who are rich become self-centered and they are associated with the toad in the novel (Hunt, Peter 110). The novel also portrays some of the attitudes and behaviors that are fou nd in humans. It represents the communities where only men are recognized and women seen as inferior characters. Though written mainly for the children, many adults have liked reading it. Fantasy, as an element has been created since the children read about animals that talk and do tasks meant for human beings. The novel has been one of the best children’s stories because it uses personification to deliver the qualities of humans found in these animals. Toad seems to have a lot of energy and that is why he is full of excitement. He is also a member of the leisure class thus showing how a man can easily belong to the upper class in the society unlike a woman.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Throughout the novel, female characters are not found anywhere bringing out some beliefs that were found in many societies; that women are not supposed to enjoy the liberty and independence found in men. Gender stereotype brings out a contrast of the behaviors seen the toad. This is because the toad has a lot of freedom and at the same time he is very careless. He has also more social power than the others. The rat represents women in some of the communities because he does not support change or anything promoting it and becomes comfortable in the world that he is living in which is very little. The same case applies where females are seen as a weaker sex because they do not fight for change and feel happy the way they are. The mole always long for the journey but seems comfortable at home due to security. He shows weakness because he cannot be able to stand up firmly and say what he wants. â€Å"Mole is going to stick to me and do as I do, aren’t you, mole?† (Grahame 19). The same case applies to women since they can not be able to fight for their rights fully. A physical journey has been proposed for these three characters and the reader is able to imagine it as he reads the story. Toad sees the journey as a path to enjoyment, exploration and change. Mole is not decided because he has security at home and at the same time would like to enjoy the adventure. Rat is not ready for any change since he is weak and his voice can not be heard by anybody. This clearly shows the differences that existed between men and women especially during the early times. Women did not recognize their rights and suffered a lot in the society because they were considered as weak and uneducated. Although Graham fails to recognize women in his novel, he clearly demonstrates how people respond differently to a journey’s idea since the novel is related a journey’s concept. The novel can also be interpreted well by children who also enjoy reading it. Its idea s are simple, language is colorful and the dialogues are interesting. Work Cited Grahame, Kenneth. The Wind in The Willows. New York: Free Press, 1960. Print. Hunt, Peter.The Wind in the Willows A Fractured Arcadia, New York, Toronto: Macmillan, 1994. Print. Lerer, Seth. Style and the Mole: Domestic Aesthetics in the Wind in the Willows.  Aesthetic Education 43.2 (2009): 51-63. Marshall, Cynthia. Bodies and Pleasures in the Wind in the Willows. Annual of The  Modern Language Association Division on Childrens Literature and The Childrens  Literature Association, 22 (1994): 58-69. Walsh, Claire. Gender Trouble in Arcadia Or a World of Multi gendered Possibility? Intersubjectivity and Gender in the Wind in the Willows. Explorations into Childrens  Literature ,16.2 (2006): 162-7.