Friday, December 27, 2019

Ideas of Rulers in Tao-te Ching and The Prince Essay

When comparing Tao-te Ching to The Prince there are numerous differences. The authors of these two documents had almost completely opposite ideas of how a ruler should behave and how a government should be run. One believed that the ruler could accomplish the most by doing the least; the other believed that by controlling how the public perceived a ruler was what would make him a success or a failure. Machiavelli believed that to rule the prince must do things that would win approval with his people, and that the prince must always keep and maintain arms to remain in power. On the other hand Lao-tzu believed that the master ruled with as little involvement as possible, he believed that to â€Å"not do† would have the greatest effect, and†¦show more content†¦Throughout The Prince are guide lines for a ruler to follow concerning matters of how he is going to be viewed by the people. Machiavelli says that a prince should take care to not be too generous or too cru el as either could have a negative effect on his reputation. While these two ideas might seem to have little relevance to one another it is just an example of how Lao-tzu’s and Machiavelli’s ideas about how important the rulers public persona was to their ability to rule successfully. Finally one major difference is that Machiavelli believes that the ruler should always keep arms and be ready to fight off a threat. Lao-tzu has the idea that the only need to keep arms is for a last resort when all other options have been exhausted. This is an enormous difference; The Prince gives the idea that by not maintaining a military and a willingness to fight the ruler may be over thrown by either another country or by his own people. Lao-tzu gives the idea that if you rule properly you will not need the weapon except in the most extreme circumstances. He also gives the idea that if a ruler tries to rule by force another force opposing the ruler will come to him. Both of these authors have good ideas on how to rule properly and have the greatest influence on their people. While neither one of the ideas is wrong nor right they are both good proposals for any one not just a prince or a master, but anyone who findsShow MoreRelated Comparison of Lao-tzu and Machiavelli Essay729 Words   |  3 Pagesphilosopher from 6th century BC, the author of Tao-te Ching, and Machiavelli was an Italian philosopher who lived 2000 years after Lao-tzu’s time, author of Prince. They are both philosophers but have totally different perspective on how to be a good leader. While both philosopher’s writing is instructive. Lao-tzu’s advice issues from detached view of a universal ruler; Machiavelli’s advice is very personal perhaps demanding. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Once stranded on an island, a group of boys become...

Once stranded on an island, a group of boys become separated. Two of them are together, others are dispersed. The two boys who are together need a way to pull the others onto the beach to have a meeting. They look over the lagoon, and they see the perfect thing to do this with: a beautiful, colorful conch shell. The two boys worked together to retrieve the shell. â€Å"In color the shell was deep cream, touched here and there with fading pink. Between the point, worn away into a little hole, and the pink lips of the mouth, lay eighteen inches of shell with a slight spiral twist and covered with a delicate, embossed pattern. Ralph shook sand out of the deep tube.† (Golding page 16) The fair colored boy, Ralph, blew the conch, knowing that†¦show more content†¦Ralph would be holding the conch, Jack would take it, and Piggy would try to talk whichever had the conch out of making rash decisions. Eventually, the island becomes divided between Ralph’s friends and followers, and Jack’s friends and followers. Ralph, as the elected chief, along with Piggy, keeps the conch. The island’s diplomatic issues get worse and worse, and both sides want the conch. Ralph still values the conch as the source of power and order, even after order is lost, and so does Jack. Jack is a savage at this point in the story, and doesn’t care about order, until he sees Ralph’s power through this diplomacy and order. The hunters, led by Jack, eventually destroy the conch as a whole thing and smash it to pieces, and the order upheld by the conch is officially lost. The two tribes of boys are now basically two completely different groups. They are not on good terms, and all friendships have been shattered, just like the conch. The conch often symbolized things; order and authority. The order that was once upheld by the conch was very important to the story, however. When the island first separated, they thought they had lost power. Ralph said, â€Å"If I blow the conch and they don’t come back; then we’ve had it. We shan’t keep the fire going. We’ll be like animals. We’ll never be rescued.† (Golding page 92) These boys did value the conch, and it almost became like their god or idol. They all respec tedShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Lord Of The Flies And Animal Farm1633 Words   |  7 PagesWhen he leaves, a pig named Napoleon quickly becomes leader of all the animals and causes the farm to fall into a dictatorship instead of a Utopian society. This book captures and represents the Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union under the rule of Joseph Stalin. In this novel, Joseph Stalin is represented as Napoleon. On the other hand, Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, is about boys who survive a plane crash and get stranded on the island. They have to fend for themselves in orderRead MoreLord Of The Flies By William Golding1201 Words   |  5 Pageshuman conscious. A group of boys, stranded on an island, become savage instead of working together and start fighting each other. Golding’s use of the war allegory shows how children can become as ruthless as adults when put in the right setting. While on the island, personality traits surfaced, such as their sa vageness, their carelessness, their fear, their hunger power, and their childish pride. Golding uses a war allegory to show than man will naturally conflicts with others because of a thirstRead More Societys Struggle Against Its Savage Roots Essay example1914 Words   |  8 Pagessociety, the behaviour of people will regress to their savage beginnings, due to the fact that ones need for survival will overpower all other impulses. 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Scott Fitzgerald (The famous American novel) ................................................ 35 Historical Events: The American Great Depression (1929-1930s) ......................Read MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words   |  960 PagesNorfolk Southern Railway: The Business Intelligence Journey CASE STUDY II-4 Mining Data to Increase State Tax Revenues in California CASE STUDY II-5 The Cliptomaniaâ„ ¢ Web Store: An E-Tailing Start-up Survival Story CASE STUDY II-6 Rock Island Chocolate Company, Inc.: Building a Social Networking Strategy CASE STUDY III-1 Managing a Systems Development Project at Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Discussion on Conflict Organizational Activities †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Discussion on Conflict Organizational Activities. Answer: Introduction: Conflict is one of the vital forces that shape organizational activities. In organizations, conflict arises due to variation in opinions, interests, or clash of personalities. Importantly, the weeks reading explicitly illustrates that the understanding of conflict has evolved over the years. Initially, the traditional view held that conflict is harmful and should be avoided. Later, the human relation view posited that conflict is natural and unavoidable in any given team. Finally, the current view states that conflict is a positive force that is necessary for a group to perform effectively. However, questions have emerged on how individuals can benefit from a conflict. Several authors have proposed ways in which individuals can benefit from conflicts. In their article, Sturt and Nordstrom (2017) opine that conflict can lead to significant personal and professional progress. Sturt and Nordstrom (2017) outline that individuals can benefit from a conflict by focusing on facts, probing their attitude towards their colleagues, and using effective communication strategies in resolving the conflict. With these strategies, the conflicting parties discover their weakness and plan on ways of addressing them. The view presented in this article supports the interactionist view on the advantages of conflict. Consequently, as a future team player, it is essential to reflect on ways of using conflict for personal and professional development. References Sturt, D., Nordstrom, T. (2017, January 23). How To Use Conflict To Your Advantage At Work. Retrieved from Forbes:

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Worlds Famous Masterpiece David Sculpture

David sculpture is recognized to be one of the most famous masterpieces in the world. It was created by a well-known Italian sculptor and architect Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni in the 16th century. It is not a secret that one of the most well-known subjects of the art of Italy is considered to be the most interesting and prominent hero – David.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on World’s Famous Masterpiece: David Sculpture specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The statue is recognized to be the symbol of the defense of civil liberties in Italy. In the 19th century the statue was moved to an art academy in Florence – the Accademia di Belle Arti. There were many visitors, who came to the Gallery to see the sculptor’s masterpiece. The distinctive feature of Michelangelo’s statue is that the Biblical hero is depicted alone; there is no Goliath of Gath. Thus, the statues of Don ato di Niccolà ² di Betto Bardi and Andrea del Verrocchio depict the main hero in the battle with the head of the slain. However, some scientists say that Michelangelo decided to create David before the battle. One more issue I would like to discuss concerns with the details of David’s face. Thus, the opinion that famous sculptor depicted his hero before the battle is confirmed by the hero’s facial expression. So, one may point out that David is rather composed, but angry. It is said that the statue excelled all famous and contemporary works, as Michelangelo was able to restore to life a dead person. On the other hand, some scientists suppose that one of the most important Italian Renaissance sculptors depicted one of the political figures in Florence. In my opinion, the sculpture depicts the most important traits of person’s character. Thus, the ancient work can be served as an example of the strongest emotions people can feel. I would like to touch on the mod ern conception the masterpiece is related to. Thus, I want to describe a complex psychophysiological experience the sculpture concerns with. So, as far as the facial expression of David reminds us of anger, the only thing people can do is to admire Michelangelo’s ability to depict an automatic response to ill treatment.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To my mind, that basic idea of famous sculptor was to impress the viewers, or to discover the hidden issue of the objective reality. The sculpture provokes imagination and people start to think over the primary emotions they are born with. Thus, in my opinion, the sculpture is considered to be a feedback mechanism. One may state that there are unpleasant responses which depend on the same phenomena and vice versa. Of course, it is true. Anger is considered to be a normal emotion and Michelangelo’s sculpture is related to three modalities of negative psychological interpretation. Thus, there are cognitive and behavioral modalities of anger which are depicted by famous sculptor. Tension and antagonism are considered to be the primary issues Michelangelo showed. Body language and facial expressions are recognized to be the most widespread signs of an automatic response to ill treatment. Most of people know that David fought against Goliath of Gath and the sculptor showed us the inner state of the Biblical hero before the battle. Thus, one may think that public acts of aggression are also the signs of anger. I suppose that the sculptor depicted a kind of aggressive behavior, which is called bullying. The signs include facial expressions (David’s eyes create immediate cues). I think that Michelangelo’s work impacted on my ability to understand the emotional state of people. This essay on World’s Famous Masterpiece: David Sculpture was written and submitted by user Alejandra Espinoza to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.